Source is Jerky Turkey by Tex Avery

  • @TotallynotJessica
    49 months ago

    From a perspective ignorant to the competing factions within our parties and their influence, I understand. However, I’m not going to pretend it’s an accurate or useful perspective.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      I had a similar discussion with a Chinese person criticising their ruling party.

      From a perspective ignorant to the competing factions within our parties and their influence, I understand.

      This is almost exactly the same thing they said.

      I’m not trying to put down the USA. I’m trying to make people aware that improvement is needed and that their democracy isn’t as democratic as it should be, or as they might think it to be.

      • @TotallynotJessica
        29 months ago

        That’s the beautiful part. I don’t blame CCP members doing their best to make things better in a shitty system. We must all do what we can to improve things for everyone with the hand we’re dealt. That’s all we can ever do and all we can ask of each other.

        There are things worse about the American system than China’s, but the ability to criticize our government means there’s more we can do to organize ourselves and undermine the popularity of plutocrats. Our system sucks, but I can’t stand people who take that as a reason to sit at home doing nothing.