• 𝔇𝔦𝔬
    -2026 months ago

    You should want that for your own country. Can you even name a place in Ukraine, without looking it up? Without mentioning a name already spoken of in the news?

    You are welcome to your own point of view, but … It’s baffling.

    • @Alivrah
      1056 months ago

      You can be against an immediate global threat without being against better conditions for your country. One does not exclude the other. Nuance and priority.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        No no you see that’s the “fuck you got mine” mentality…or whataboutism to have an excuse to let Russia take over Ukraine

        This is the “it’s not guns…it’s metal health” argument

        When the “mental health” part actually comes up for discussion, it’s “radical, socialist, extremist, leftist, unamerican” take your alt reich buzzword pick

        The GOP has already decided they will not be giving Ukraine aid and the whole “border reform” is bullshit and a strawman. When the aid “fails” all the pundits will say “the left didn’t want to negotiate on the border enough” it’s their fault Ukrainians will die, when they damn well know their mind was made up potentially months ago. Putin has them all their pockets likely with dirt ready for airing should they not fall in line

        • @LordOfTheChia
          6 months ago

          You don’t have to be Ukrainian or even be in Europe to be affected by what is happening.


          before the war Ukraine made up 9% of global wheat exports, 15% of maize and 44% of sunflower oil.

          The Russian invasion is also affecting food prices globally. So those that don’t care about the Ukrainians (which they should but hey let’s explore the heartless approach to this) but do care about inflation should also want to support Ukraine in getting a speedy end to this war. This is to ensure that Russia does not create any further large scale disruptions:


          in the first couple of months after Russia invaded, “food prices were quite high and quite volatile. Wheat futures jumped almost 60%. Corn and soybeans were up 15 to 20% in the first week or so.”

          while food prices reverted to pre-invasion levels for much of the past year, those levels are still a record high compared to the last decade.

          In other words, the world remains in a somewhat precarious situation where, if just one thing goes wrong — a worsening twist to the war in Ukraine, a bad harvest in some important supplying nation – global food prices could spike.

            • Butt Pirate
              26 months ago

              LIE-DEN is WHOLLY RESPONSIBLE for the PRICES!!! You stupid libtards don’t understand. When the PRICES go UP it is because BABY EATING DEMONCRATS are making the ECONOMY WORSE. BUT when the prices go DOWN it’s because GOD FEARING REPUBLICANS are FIXING the MESS the DEMONCRATS left.

          • @[email protected]
            26 months ago

            Clearly the solution is to fund Ukraine extra hard so we can get like, 5x the sunflower oil as previously (in reference to Sunflower Granny)

            • @LordOfTheChia
              26 months ago

              Some may seriously joke about that “Oh I don’t use X foodstuff, it doesn’t directly affect me”

              Demand for food is quite inelastic. If folks who use sunflower seed oil can’t get any, they’ll flock to canola oil, peanut oil, or whatever other oil is available and drive it up in price.

              Same deal with wheat and other crops.

              Heck, we saw the same thing during the GPU shortage! People who would have bought mid or high end GPUs were priced out, so cards like the GTX 1030 we’re selling for $250!

              Even the GTX 3050 and RX 6400 should have been bottom of the barrel $90 to $150 cards but ended up in the $250 to $300 range instead

    • @TheJims
      576 months ago

      It’s adorable when the right pretends to care about the poor and homeless in America.

        • @Buddahriffic
          16 months ago

          It’s almost funny how that exact same comic could be used for abortion, just replace the kid with a mother forced to give birth to a child she can’t afford and the text in the top panel with their bullshit about thing life is precious.

          • @Sterile_Technique
            26 months ago

            Yeah I have no idea what the original version of that comic is, but it’s been floating around since way before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

            You can shoe it into almost any flavor of republican bullshit “Stop ____ so we can take care of our own!” …they use that argument to oppose funding of basically anything outside the US; but then simultaneously refuse to fund anything in the US either, except ofc guns and churches.

    • theodewere
      6 months ago

      only a Russian would ask a question that stupid and cowardly

      • @Windex007
        226 months ago

        Comment history is TEXTBOOK Russian agitator content

        • theodewere
          6 months ago

          pretend to care about fairness for us, it’s a constant amusement for everyone… the cries of your countrymen dying in ditches in Ukraine don’t reach you, but a few words from an honest voice on the internet are too much to bear…

          • Lemminary
            36 months ago

            Honest = dickhead who agrees with me

            Got it.

            • @[email protected]
              36 months ago

              Bro check out his elipses, there’s no way he ain’t a 70+ year old whose daily routine is Fox News and crossword puzzles inside the rundown 70’s style rancher he bought for 5k right after he got married in his late 20’s

              • Lemminary
                26 months ago

                Yeah, he has issues lol

            • theodewere
              6 months ago

              the truth hurts you and you try to attack its source… it’s what cowards do… you just demonstrate that i was correct…

              where is Navalny this afternoon, and what is his crime… you learn from Putin…

              • Lemminary
                6 months ago

                Sounds like the truth hits you harder, my man lol Look at you getting so worked up over this that you’re wishing people death.

                you learn from Putin…

                you try to attack its source… it’s what cowards do

                Salty hypocrite.

      • Lemminary
        176 months ago

        Literally every other comment from this guy is in the deep negatives. If I were an instance owner I’d instaban people this who have nothing good to contribute.

        • @hark
          36 months ago

          That would be an easy thing to game and would only encourage upvote farming to keep up while having bot farms mass downvote to silence users.

          • Lemminary
            16 months ago

            Yeah, I’m aware, but I’d also go through their comment history just to make sure.

        • theodewere
          6 months ago

          i just comment on what i see, and you validate what i say… it’s a simple process… you have obviously learned how to deal with criticism from your coward Putin…

            • theodewere
              6 months ago

              that’s the telephone ringing… it’s Vlad, he needs your corpse in a ditch in Ukraine… better bring your own shovel, just to make sure your corpse actually has a ditch…

              • Lemminary
                16 months ago

                you try to attack its source… it’s what cowards do

                This you?

      • @agent_flounder
        96 months ago

        Or a Republican. This one has shown his true colors before.

        • @Sterile_Technique
          106 months ago

          Or a Republican.

          I mean, that’s just the next link down on the human centipede.

    • no banana
      306 months ago

      Whataboutism is sooooo cool

      • @Something_Complex
        226 months ago

        breath in -We Didn’t Start the Fire" by Billy Joel rhythm.

        Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Dnipro, Lviv, Zaporizhzhia, and Mariupol, Poltava, Vinnytsia, Sumy, too, Cherkasy, Chernivtsi, view anew.

        Mykolaiv, Lutsk, and Rivne’s charm, Kherson, Kropyvnytskyi, no alarm, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil’s grace, Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, a welcoming place.

        (Chorus) Singing for Ukraine, cities shine so bright, From the hills of Uzhhorod to the Black Sea light, We didn’t light the fire, but we carry the flame, In every Ukrainian city, remember the name.

        (Verse 2) Bakhmut, Sloviansk, and Kramatorsk, Sevastopol, Simferopol, history talks, Luhansk, Donetsk, amidst the strife, Khmelnytskyi, Berdiansk, full of life.

        (Chorus) Singing for Ukraine, in unity and might, From the streets of Kamianske to the starry night, We didn’t light the fire, but we’re here to claim, In every Ukrainian city, honor and fame

        Verse 3) Zakarpattia, Lysychansk, in the fray, Horlivka, Pavlohrad, by the bay, Yalta, Yuzhne, Kerch, in the sun, Melitopol, Alchevsk, on the run.

        Nikopol, Bila Tserkva, ancient tales, Brovary, Berdyansk, where the sea prevails, Kremenchuk, Mukachevo, in the hills, Sieverodonetsk, Artemivsk, for the thrills.

        (Chorus) Singing for Ukraine, in the dawn’s new light, From the peace of Drohobych to the heroic fight, We didn’t light the fire, it’s been always burning, In every Ukrainian city, the world keeps turning.

    • @agent_flounder
      6 months ago

      Well, I’ve been to Donetsk and Mariupol a decade prior to the Putin’s invasion (in 2014). Those two towns (less than a days drive part by slow Ukrainian bus, the latter on the coast) are now smoking craters thanks to shitbag loser Putin. All the cool people I met at the churches (now rubble) and the ones that went with us to see the Sea of Azov on a gray day including that dude showing off his Lada Niva… are probably all dead now.

      I’ve heard the same Putin song and dance already. I bet he’d love it we actually bought into this bullshit and cut funding to Ukraine. And his Trumper lackeys seem to be serving him well.

      • littleblue✨
        26 months ago

        This! This right here is how we combat anonymous shitweasels like this fucknugget above. Learn about the world, find the common thread, cultivate a personal connection to your fellow humans’ well-being. Also, by largely ignoring these tired and poorly-worded attempts at adversarial “commentary”. (Blocking works well, I hear.)

    • @Sanctus
      276 months ago

      Before the war in Ukraine, the poor here were still poor, the homeless still unhoused, the hungry still aching. Americans were destitute before, they still are, and they will be after. Nobody with any amount of influence or power actually gives a fuck about the dregs. Stop acting like if it werent for this or that, just stop. Its disingenuous and would not be fixed either way. They want the threat of destitution, they want you to see these people and fear you will suffer like them so you go to work and make those shareholders money.

    • @ChonkyOwlbear
      196 months ago

      Imagine thinking a dictator gaining power is a good thing for our country. That’s what is baffling.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Wait using federal funds to ensure that the less fortunate and clothed and fed?..isn’t that socialism?

      Oh right…it’s not actually about the well-being of your fellow man is it…

    • @[email protected]
      186 months ago

      I would much rather pay for a missile that Ukraine fires against a Russian tank in Ukraine, than pay for a missile I have to fire against the Russian tank myself after it rolled through Ukraine and to my doorstep.

      I would also much rather pay to educate the world (using Russia as an example) that the international community isn’t putting up with wars of aggression and won’t let you get away with them, than have the world thrown into disarray when the next country decides to disrupt global supply chains with their war of aggression.

      Supporting Ukraine is a smart thing regardless of what you think of Ukraine. It’s also the morally right thing, but if you don’t care about that, egoism should drive you to the same decision.

      • PugJesus
        156 months ago

        Supporting Ukraine is a smart thing regardless of what you think of Ukraine. It’s also the morally right thing, but if you don’t care about that, egoism should drive you to the same decision.

        Mood. I’m generally an idealist in terms of motivations, but fuck, it’s hard to take people seriously who pick the decision that’s both morally wrong AND stupid.

        “We should worry about FOOD prices going up, not Ukraine!” - Person who doesn’t realize that two of the world’s largest wheat producers are currently at war because one of them is led by a fascist dipshit

    • drewofdoom
      156 months ago

      How about we do both? Continue to fund Ukraine in order to provide a stopgap against Russian encroachment and destabilization of Eastern Europe, as well as take care of people in America? It wouldn’t even be that hard.

      Tax the rich so they pay their fair share. Use that money to fund social programs and boost the economy for the middle class and lower. Tax businesses to the point where it’s more lucrative to reinvest in their own companies than it is to make massive profits - this promotes raising wages. Cap executive pay to a fixed rate above the lowest-paid employee. Just like that, the ‘richest country in the world’ can act like it and not relegate their poorest to third-world conditions.

      But you weren’t interested in a real answer, were you? Just shilling for the alt-right and Russia.

      • @SupraMario
        16 months ago

        The funny thing is…we don’t even need to tax the rich…we just need to stop spending like the CC has no limit…so much wasted funding goes through middle man style private companies and just gets abused… it’s insane.

        • drewofdoom
          16 months ago

          I mean, I’m not really interested in reigning in spending on things like social programs. I do think the military could get slashed by a very large amount, however. Especially considering how much military contractors over-inflate the cost of absolutely everything they sell the US government. Instead, I’d rather we just pay for the stuff we want to do by decreasing the wage gap by a VERY large margin and fixing the business tax code.

          • @SupraMario
            16 months ago

            Over half the budget is social programs though, they’re just no effective because they’re dolled out to a lot of private businesses.

    • PugJesus
      146 months ago

      Stop, there’s only so much boot leather to go around!

    • TimeSquirrel
      6 months ago

      You ready to raise taxes on higher income brackets to make it happen, cap’n? ESPECIALLY motherfuckers like the Waltons, Musk, and Bezos.

      I have a feeling you won’t agree to that.

    • @SCB
      96 months ago

      You should want that for your own country.

      My country, the USA, could easily accomplish both if the political will was there.

    • Steal Wool
      86 months ago

      Its very important to know the names of cities. 🤷‍♀️

    • Jaysyn
      76 months ago

      Thank you for this wonderful example of a Strawman Falicy.

    • @cabron_offsets
      6 months ago

      Are you so fucking ignorant that you can’t name Kyiv or Sevastopol or Odessa?!? Do you really not understand the significance of these cities? Or Lviv? Chernobyl? Chernivtsi?