I’ve been doing small hosting off and on for a while. Mainly for accessing files at home and the occasional Minecraft server. Not smart, as I’ve never used a specialized router. I used to use ddwrt, but now it’s impossible to flash most consumer grade routers.

id like to learn more stuff about cyber security, host other stuff, maybe host a website, but I’m just a guy who lives in an apartment. I’m stuck with 1 Internet service that claims it will terminate my service if they find me to be hosting anything. They must be semi-lax with that rule, because i haven’t gotten terminated for using ssh and cockpit.

Do you guys own a house, or are just fortunate enough to have access to an ISP that will let you host your own stuff?

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    I have a small StarTech rack in my living room (live in an apartment) with some rack mount gear in it (R720, R210II, SuperMicro 846) as well as an “off-site” seed box rented from one of the OVH sub brands out of Canada. I use that server for any services that need to be public facing, that way my home is not exposed (not that I could really, with CGNAT).

    For example, I host my own lemmy instance, which was a PITA to set up and get federating correctly.