Want to buy a new game on pc or on your Steam Deck? I recommend to wait a few hours. :)
Countdown https://steamdb.info/sales/history/
Want to buy a new game on pc or on your Steam Deck? I recommend to wait a few hours. :)
Countdown https://steamdb.info/sales/history/
A quick search gave me this discussion on steam forums about it https://steamcommunity.com/app/1675200/discussions/0/5057002258661709742/
Seems like 40 or 60W is the bare minimum you need to provide in order for deck to stop draining its own battery
I travel a ton, and have had mine since the 2nd shipment batch. Literally use it every day even though I’m typing this on a beefy gaming rig.Playing docked from the couch is the best thing ever, and when I travel I can usually get a few hours out of most games I play unplugged buy tuning settings or just playing less demanding games until I get to the hotel or whatever. Most games get me 3.5-5 hours after tweaking. The most hungry games I get more like 1.5-2hrs, but know that going in and can plan accordingly.