Hi, I have a bunch of Raspberry Pies hosting all kinds of stuff and I want to have a monitoring solution for all of that. What would be your recommendations?

My goal is to be able to have an overview of CPU load, network load, CPU temp and to see what’s going on inside docker containers as I have everything dockerized. I’d like the solution to be open source. I want the solution to be web browser accessible and have nice load graphs with history. I don’t want to spend too much time setting it up.

All my Pies are running RaspberryOS, which is Debian based.

  • @snekerpimp
    101 year ago

    Second for Netdata for the temps and load info, portainer for docker monitoring. Netdata gives you more real time info than even glances. Portainer is an easy way to look at logs and such, I don’t use it to manage, prefer command line for that. Netdata we’ll give you some docker info, but not logs.

    • @AuxOP
      1 year ago

      I use Ansible for management, I just want to see nice graphs and maybe get alerts when things go south. Thanks for recommendation.