• @SCB
    10 months ago

    This is, unironically, the best meme about leftists ever made.

    In my experience, leftists are like Star Wars fans, in that no one hates leftists like other leftists.

    • @cynar
      1810 months ago

      The right, when issues arise, circle the wagons. The left, when issues arise, form a circular firing squad.

      The let’s fractured nature is both its greatest strength, allowing for innovation and new thinking, and its greatest weakness. We often fail to come together for good, when we all want perfect. We often end up with neither.

      • @canihasaccount
        610 months ago

        Eh, keep in mind that the right have been gridlocking each other in US Congress with the weird alt-right RINO stuff. There’s infighting on both sides; the US essentially has multiple parties within each major party.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        Youre not lumping liberals in with leftists are you? Because liberals arent leftists. Liberals are status quo aka conservative.

        • @madcaesar
          310 months ago

          The fuck is this nonsense?

        • @angrystego
          310 months ago

          No, they’re lumping them with progressives.

          • @tacosplease
            110 months ago

            I’m honestly not sure of the difference between any of those, and I’m certainly 1 of them if not all 3.

            • @TokenBoomerOP
              -510 months ago

              It’s simple. Do you want to abolish private property and eliminate capitalism? Then you’re a socialist/ leftist. If you don’t, you’re a at best a market socialist. Or a social-democrat/liberal.

              • @tacosplease
                19 months ago

                Seems like the above comment was attempting to provide a genuine answer. Judging by vote count, people disagree with that answer.

                Would be cool if they would say why they disagree or provide their own answer to the question in addition to down voting.

        • @cynar
          210 months ago

          Over here, the Lib Dems, while traditionally center/center-right, are actually more left leaning than our left wing party (labour) in many ways.

          Oh, and you are doing a wonderful example of it.

          The left covers all the way from slightly left of center, to extreme left. It gets blurry at the extreme, however. It seems to lurch into authoritarianism, which is a lot more in line with the right wing.

          • AnyOldName3
            210 months ago

            If you look at manifestos and voting records, the Lib Dems are just the Tories but less deranged and corrupt, so are basically what a lot of Tory voters think the Tories are. Recognising that threatening to send two hundred people a year to Rwanda won’t fix the tens of thousands of people long waiting list for asylum hearings is independent of thinking that the invisible hand of the market is the ultimate force of benevolence as long as it’s set free.

          • @[email protected]
            -110 months ago

            Eh, authoritarian isnt necessarily increased the more extreme you go. The foaming at the mouth anarchist who wants to go full john brown on a prosperity preacher isnt necessarily authoritarian, homicidal and fucking crazy? Yes. Authoritarian? No.

            But this is probably due to the fact a lot of those types are usually smart enough to hold their tongues. But tankies will happily go on and on about how theyll kill all the folks who dont fall in line blah blah blah. If I ever have to deal with a tankie IRL id probably flop between laughing and wanting to fight them.

    • @[email protected]
      910 months ago

      I always wonder why the workers of the world don’t rise up together. We could easily take over without any violence.

      Then I remember we all hate each other and refuse to work together and it makes me sad.

    • @[email protected]
      -110 months ago

      You’re dead right, this comment section is one of the most tragic things I’ve seen in a while actually.

      She’s a talented performer, presumably a very hard worker, and they’re seething because she… Has money? From proving entertainment, which is a completely optional thing to buy, and by no means an essential service.