• @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    You did not address their main point, which is that there simply isn’t a candidate that has a better, or even comparable, chance of winning.

    Approval ratings are also notoriously inaccurate, especially for dems.

    • FuglyDuck
      16 months ago

      Even Biden has admitted recently there is in fact “probably 50 democrats who can beat trump”

      As for accuracy… it’s not that they’re necessarily inaccurate, it’s more a fundamentally flawed assumption on what the poll means… and who responded.

      The 38% of democrats in that poll that are unhappy with Biden , are never going for trump. We know they’re probably not gen z and millennials (who aren’t home to answer calls, and aren’t.

      While many- quite likely most will “fall in line” in November…. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a candidate not actually loathed by at least a 1/3 the base? Wouldn’t that be easier to win? Biden’s incumbency has more baggage than most