None of the others in town have these, thought it was unusual enough to share

  • @Chobbes
    11 year ago

    It’s just going to be pulses of an 8khz signal. Why would an MP3 not encode this just fine?

    • @SpaceNoodle
      11 year ago

      Like I said before, the coincidence is what’s remarkable.

      • @Chobbes
        11 year ago

        It’s a bit of a coincidence that the signal is in the audible range, for sure! I’m not too surprised that an MP3 can reproduce a digitally modulated sin wave in the audible spectrum, but I can see how it’s surprising to people that a sound card is basically a dinky low frequency SDR. Van Eck Phreaking is another good example of this kind of stuff. CRTs in particular produce very obvious emissions which match what’s being displayed.