• @Modern_medicine_isnt
    1239 months ago

    I don’t play these games, but my kids do. And I am thinking (as a man), why wouldn’t I want my character to be a hot girl. If I an going to spend hundreds of hours staring at an ass, I would rather it be a hot girl ass.

    • @krakenx
      659 months ago

      That’s legit the reason why Lara Croft is the star of Tomb Raider.

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        Right, because when Tomb Raider first came out on PS1 almost 30 years ago you could totally make out Lara’s hot ass from the seven or eight polygons that formed her entire body.

    • @[email protected]
      229 months ago

      I played 3d peron games (not online). Always picked girl for that reason. Never mattered because i’d end up focusing on the game.

    • Firestorm Druid
      9 months ago

      If your main goal is just to create a character that looks as lewd as possible, that’s a little sus in my books. Preferences and all that, I know, but do we really need to add to the already prevalent objectification of women?

      Edit: God forbid you actually question your actions, thoughts, and beliefs

      • @Modern_medicine_isnt
        369 months ago

        I’m was right there with you a few years ago. My daughter plays, and I was sure to point out how it was catering to male fantasy and all that. But then I took her to some conventions she asked to go to. Do you know what I saw. More women then men.
        And there was a space of computers that people could stop and play genshin and the like. Again more women then men. And the women were all playing genshin while the guys were playing games with more zoomed out interactions. It turns out that women are a big part of the reason for the intricate costumes on female characters and such. I still don’t know what really to make of it all, but I do know my first impression of a game just objectifying women for male pleasure is not accurate. And don’t get me started on the female cosplayers at these conventions.

        • @[email protected]
          79 months ago

          Regarding Genshin’s large female audience, (1) there are a lot of hot male characters, (2) its two sister games have a lot of gay / lesbian characters, and therefore a large LGBT fanbase, and (3) the Genshin community is (relatively) friendly and casual, since there is no PvP.

        • Firestorm Druid
          79 months ago

          Thanks for taking the time to write out a response. I think it might depend on the game and some games are probably “better” examples of what I meant. As long as it’s equal for both male as well as female characters, I don’t mind at all since that would be equality then. But in a game like Monster Hunter, some armour sets are just quite… exposing. Like, you’re fighting giant monsters, dragons and what not, but it’s probably a good idea to run around with an exposed chest and legs whilst the rest being covered by armour. The definition of armour is really loose then, I feel like.

          As long as the armour/outfit fits in with the game world, I don’t mind too much since you can come up with lore reasons for why a certain piece of clothing or armour is designed the way it is. However, there certainly examples of both where it’s quite obvious that they’ve been designed for the male gaze first and foremost.

          • @Modern_medicine_isnt
            99 months ago

            Totally agree. Viva la dirt does some great and hilarious videos about female armor in games. And some games really go overboard. I just found that it wasn’t as one dimensional as I originally thought.

            • Firestorm Druid
              9 months ago

              Thanks for not just downvoting, appreciate it.

              For sure! It’s a tough line to walk sometimes. I guess I’d rather be a little more cautious personally. I wasn’t trying to attack anyone - just voicing my thoughts. Didn’t excpect this comment to be received as negatively as it was.

              Happy holidays 🎄

              • @[email protected]
                49 months ago

                Eh sometimes people just see a downvote and they all pile on. I thought your comment was very reasonable and added to the conversation so I undid one of them, even though I don’t necessarily agree with it. Keep doing you friend. Happy holidays!

              • @Modern_medicine_isnt
                39 months ago

                I’ve always thought we should have two types of vote. Agree/disagree and something about quality. I like to see opinions I don’t agree with. It is valuable info and makes things less of an ech chamber. But the internet is the internet.

                Happy holidays to you to.

              • @Roderik
                29 months ago

                I agree with you as well. Thought your comment was sane and reasonable. No clue why you were being downvoted to oblivion.

                And then the bloke who says he’d rather create a female character, because he prefers to stare at her arse for hours.

                Man, like, if one is that horny you’re better off climaxing to something else—if you catch my drift.

                Happy holidays bud!

                • Firestorm Druid
                  29 months ago

                  Exactly! Why does everything have to be sexual at all times in games? Male gaze is a thing, and it’s kind of shocking that people are so seemingly ignorant about it. Just go watch porn lmao


                • @Modern_medicine_isnt
                  19 months ago

                  It really was just a joke. But at the same time it doesn’t have to be about being horny or climaxing. Aside from any teenagers present most of us don’t get a hard on just from seeing a pretty girl. It can still be more pleasing for us to look at a pretty girl (if that is what we prefer) without getting horny.

                  • @Roderik
                    9 months ago

                    It really was just a joke.

                    All good. Hard to tell when it’s just text.

                    It can still be more pleasing for us to look at a pretty girl (if that is what we prefer) without getting horny.

                    You do you. Certainly not shaming. Still, I do find everything is being sexualised nowadays;

                    Ads, thumbnails, films, music, video games—almost the entire internet. Ever tried scrolling through All on Lemmy or Reddit? Won’t take long for you to find erotica or something of the likes. YouTube and Twitch are even worse. Women creating content whilst partially showing and thousands of men throwing a bunch of money at them—or time for that matter (which gets them ad revenue). Not much different from OF if you ask me.

                    The problem is you can’t escape it. And it’s affecting children as well. They see all of it and think it’s normal. Take a glance at TikTok and you’ll understand.

                    In the end, I’d rather play a game for its story and gameplay instead of playing it for the “boobs and vags”. There is enough of that already.

      • @crashoverride
        229 months ago

        If I have the choice, I like to have my protagonist as a woman because it’s just you know different from the norm. Like I chose a female shepherd in Mass effect and now I can’t see that character as anything but a badass woman.

        • Firestorm Druid
          -59 months ago

          Dude, I feel you. I did the same. I didn’t do it for the looks tho, which is what I was pointing to specifically.

      • JackbyDev
        229 months ago

        Where did you get “create a character that looks as lewd as possible” from “hot girl ass?”

        • @someacnt_
          -19 months ago

          Yea sounds like quite a stretch, but the criticism fits on most shitty gacha games which admit stupid customizations.

      • Flying SquidM
        189 months ago

        I will be one of the first people in line to call out someone for objectifying women, but these are cartoon women. I really don’t think it’s a big deal. I really think it’s okay to ogle a fictional ass. It’s not my thing, but it doesn’t hurt anyone. It’s a victimless crime.

      • @[email protected]
        169 months ago

        Xiangling (the character OP is playing) is (in)famously meta, since she is easy to get, easy to play and very overpowered. All National and International teams revolve around her, and even random teams splash her because she’s just so good.

      • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
        119 months ago

        Except… It’s not a woman, it is an object. It’s not real.

        Your inability to separate the real from the make-believe is more than a little sus.

      • @Hyperlon
        69 months ago

        What if I liked to make my female character as funny as possible because that’s what I find attractive, Is that objectifying them? What if I made them red headed for that reason, is that objectifying them? Objectifying is to treat a woman like an object. Liking a particular type of woman is your preference, not an objectification of women.