I love the original Hotline Miami but I’m not a big fan of the boss fights like the ones in Neighbors (Biker) and Deadline (Van Driver). I find it kind of slows down the game and limits the strategies you can take.

Another example would be Fallout 3. I find the tutorial section in Vault 101 can feel a bit long after a fifth run but maybe that’s because I was spoiled by Fallout New Vegas’ ability to run off in your own direction immediately after leaving Doc Mitchell’s house.

    • @[email protected]
      111 year ago

      I’ve been saying for a while now that we’re just beyond the world of grindy, random encounters. The early games weren’t fun because of the dozens of zubats we had to deal with. They weren’t even “harder” for these reasons, despite the absurd opinions you’ll stumble across online. Remembering to stock up on repels isn’t really a skill check. Completing the set challenges that you are aware of and planning around then is fun. Having to smash “A” through random encounters and opening the menu to hit a Fresh Water every once in a while is not.

    • @Sylvartas
      71 year ago

      Imo that part was much worse in gen 1. When they started adding multi exp and all that stuff it made grinding much less annoying

        • @Sylvartas
          31 year ago

          Tbh I didn’t really play any games after 3rd gen until the 2nd gen remakes on the DS. But yeah random encounters are annoying in every game they’re a part of