• @dragontamer
    9 months ago

    killing civilian children

    Sure its a bad thing.

    Stuff about prisoners

    Lulz. You can’t even read. The passage you’re quoting is about prisoners. Please man…

    Seriously, talk to a soldier. Your ignorance is really obvious at this point. And doubling down by copying/pasting random text from the Geneva Conventions isn’t doing you any favors.

    • @cogman
      9 months ago

      The passage you’re quoting is about prisoners.

      Oh, where does it say "only about POW"s? Can you actually quote the line that says “this only applies to POWs”. I’ll wait.

      Perhaps before you go off about reading comprehension you pull the mote out of your own eye. That’ll surely help you read.

      • @dragontamer
        19 months ago

        Fair. Looking at your post above and it seems like you’ve put more work at it and it was unfair of me to brush it off entirely.

        So I’ll give you that.

        We would not have shot unarmed civilians with their hands up waving a white flag.

        Hamas literally stages ambushes by waving white flags in this conflict. They’re incredibly despicable people.

        Even US Troops didn’t have to deal with this level of depravity in Iraq or Afghanistan.

        It’s important to keep the white-flag conventions a convention. Otherwise, the other side becomes more brutal. Shooting at people while waiving white flags isn’t the norm, but when the norm is broken my combatants like Hamas life gets harder for everyone.

        Do it enough times and yes, even a regular trained military will lose their ability to differentiate.

        • @cogman
          09 months ago

          So I’ll give you that.

          How gracious of you. So now that you admit “Trust me the Geneva convention says this” rant which was actually completely uninformed garbage, Why should I believe you are actually educated at all on the topic and not just spewing memes from your right wing “army trained” buddys?

          Can you actually call out Israel for committing war crimes or does the Geneva convention no longer matter because it’s inconvenient to your argument?

          • @dragontamer
            9 months ago

            Sir, my inbox has been filled with bullshit liberals who don’t know the first thing about Geneva conventions. I got confused between posts and suddenly, your post popped up. Yes, I made a mistake ignoring your post and your thought out statement. I’ll try to remember your name next time because it is clear that you actually have a degree of understanding of this conflict.

            Why should I believe you are actually educated at all on the topic and not just spewing memes from your right wing “army trained” buddys?

            Why should I believe you’re doing nothing but dogpiling upon the one person who stuck up to discuss in this thread? Give me a break, its not easy to push back against a dogpile on online discussion. There’s a lot of dumb shit being said in this thread, and I got confused between you and some other people. But that’s fine, I’ll take my L here, its a calculated risk when I lash out like that.

            Can you actually call out Israel for committing war crimes or does the Geneva convention no longer matter because it’s inconvenient to your argument?

            Geneva conventions are just conventions dude. No one exists to prosecute war crimes and you know it. The thing about the Middle East and what makes it so difficult is that so many geneva conventions have been broken that no one seems to care about them anymore. Building back the peace and trust to even do normal warfare is difficult as a result. Now taking the article at play here: Hamas isn’t supposed to take hostages of peaceful civilian populations (ie: attendees of a music festival) to begin with. Do you care about that? Or are you just randomly meming left-wing pro-Hamas statements and ignoring the war crimes they commit?

            I’m perfectly fine and find it acceptable for this discussion to end with us both agreeing that Geneva Conventions are a joke in the context of Hamas vs Israel btw, if you want me to fast forward for a bit.

            My point remains clear. No one enforces Geneva conventions in practice. They’re conventions of honorable fighting in practice. If one side breaks a Geneva convention, it simply invites the other side to also ignore the convention. That’s how it works, and that’s how it always has worked.

            • @cogman
              09 months ago

              No one exists to prosecute war crimes and you know it.

              LMFAO. You were JUST talking about the sanctity of them as rules that everyone has to follow and how they gave Israel carte blanch permission to kill civilians. With “What are you going to do about it, get the UN to update their policies?”. This is what fascism looks like. You are a fascist propagandist.

              • @dragontamer
                9 months ago

                Well… that’s fine.

                Thanks for the discussion I guess. Apologies for confusing you with someone else posting here. There’s plenty of people still dogpiling on me right now so if you don’t mind, we can wrap up this discussion between you and me here.

                A reasonable discussion requires trust. If my earlier mistake broke that trust then that’s my mistake.