Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Thursday blamed a Democrat “plant” as the cause of an embarrassing exchange during a town hall in which she failed to mention slavery when asked about the causes of the Civil War.

The former South Carolina governor was roundly criticized for her answer at the event in New Hampshire on Wednesday in which she claimed the conflict was about “how government was going to run” and “the freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do.”

In an apparent effort to quell the backlash, Haley used a radio appearance Thursday morning to clarify her beliefs—and accuse the voter who asked her about the Civil War as being some kind of Democratic operative.

  • @0110010001100010
    929 months ago

    I’m trying to figure out how it matters. A question is a question. Her ducking the answer is her ducking the answer. Doesn’t matter WHO asked the question.

    • @[email protected]
      459 months ago

      It matters to the republican audience because now they can dismiss the whole thing as the fault of democrats. It doesn’t have to make sense beyond that. Seemingly bad thing happened -> Democrats caused it -> Don’t need to think about it anymore.

      They’re stupid.

      • Vanon
        39 months ago

        They’re stupid.

        This is why we can’t have nice things, apparently. Weaponized stupidity, at this point. I’m still unclear as to the origins of the brain damage, though. Seems much worse in rural areas.

    • @[email protected]
      209 months ago

      Her ducking the answer is her ducking the answer.

      And she’s from the self-proclaimed party of personal responsibility.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      The political affiliation of the questioner doesn’t matter, but in today’s politics, the fact that that is irrelevant itself doesn’t matter. The GOP base is so well-trained by decades of Fox News that just making a claim - with zero evidence - that Democratic people are responsible is enough for that GOP base to assign blame to Democrats for any negative outcome.

      There really is no more explanation. This is where we are as a country.

    • @TheDeepState
      179 months ago

      The real problem is that she didn’t handle it well. She will be a very good President for the war party.

    • partial_accumen
      149 months ago

      The GOP are so used to asking questions in bad faith, they assume all questions they answer that make them look bad were asked in bad faith.