Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Thursday blamed a Democrat “plant” as the cause of an embarrassing exchange during a town hall in which she failed to mention slavery when asked about the causes of the Civil War.

The former South Carolina governor was roundly criticized for her answer at the event in New Hampshire on Wednesday in which she claimed the conflict was about “how government was going to run” and “the freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do.”

In an apparent effort to quell the backlash, Haley used a radio appearance Thursday morning to clarify her beliefs—and accuse the voter who asked her about the Civil War as being some kind of Democratic operative.

  • @RagingRobot
    439 months ago

    There will definitely be Democrats to deal with if she becomes president she should probably be ready for them if she wants the job lol

    • nfh
      359 months ago

      Not only Democrats, but Democrats armed with trick questions about basic US History concepts

      • FuglyDuck
        159 months ago

        “Hey Nikki? Could you tell me what the equal rights amendment is about?”

        Should be interesting.

        • @Burn_The_Right
          89 months ago

          “What an unfair attack on me! I am just trying to become ruler-for-life and these democracy-worshippers keep targeting me for my deeply held belief that they are not humans! Stop picking on me!”