• @MataVatnik
    1176 months ago

    I wouldn’t go down this route, painting all rednecks as Maga supporters is not fair to them or conducive to a good outcome.

    • themeatbridge
      516 months ago

      And there are plenty of MAGA dipshits who aren’t rednecks. If you watched the Mummers parade today, you saw a bunch of Delco bigots who wouldn’t know a tractor from a turnip truck. But those guys sure looked pretty in their dresses.

      • @MataVatnik
        296 months ago

        Exactly, and a lot of the people who were at Jan 6 were from upper middle class suburban white america who flew in to DC taking time off from their cushy jobs to larp as revolutionaries.

      • PP_GIRL_
        136 months ago

        This is a big point. I briefly took a job in Northern California two years ago and met more openly-racist bigots and transphobes than I ever met in my Appalachian hometown

        • @shalafi
          36 months ago

          I’ve made comments about how Mississippians are not what they’re made out to be. Not a welcome comment around here.

        • @PRUSSIA_x86
          16 months ago

          There’s an important distinction to be made between rednecks and hillbillies. The south would like you toe believe that anything non-urban is redneck, this is not so.

          • flicker
            16 months ago

            Hillbillies are generally a specific type of non urban. Here in Appalachia we refer to them as off the mountain. You don’t just run into hillbillies. You have to go where they go.

            The rest of us are rednecks. I don’t think redneck is “everyone south and rural” but it’s pretty close.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        I had no idea what you were talking about but JFC what a cringy bunch of freaks. The Wikipedia article had photos that turned my stomach.

        • themeatbridge
          25 months ago

          It’s a longstanding Philadelphia tradition with a problematic history of casual and overt racism.

            • themeatbridge
              5 months ago

              Some of the costumes are rather intricate and impressive. And then sometimes they’re racist. People who defend the Mummers try to pretend the bigots have been removed and prohibited frim returning, but this year some bigots attacked the crowd while waving MAGA flag.

              The musical acts are good, though. Lotta fun for the kids.

    • Katlah
      266 months ago

      It’s a joke about Green Day’s recent concert where they replaced the line “I’m not a part of the redneck agenda” with “I’m not a part of the MAGA agenda” in their song American Idiot.

    • @EdibleFriend
      156 months ago

      Yep. I would say im pretty redneck and given the chance id kick him in his tiny orange cock.

    • @cyber_adminOP
      -376 months ago

      So redneck agenda is different from MAGA agenda? Do tell.