Dave Chappelle has released a new Netflix special, The Dreamer, which is full of jokes about the trans community and disabled people.

“I love punching down!” he tells the audience, in a one-hour show that landed on the streaming service today (31 December).

It’s his seventh special for Netflix and comes two years after his last one, the highly controversial release The Closer.

That programme was criticised for its relentless jokes about the trans community, and Chappelle revisits the topic in his new show.

He tells jokes about trans women in prison, and about trans people “pretending” to be somebody they are not.

  • @Laereht
    399 months ago

    As someone who watched the special I think his greatest crime is just not being funny and thinking he’s brave for doubling down. He’s a boomer with a fan base and tons of money. If anything, this thread is proof that cancel culture is fake. He’s Elon musk if Elon musk used to be funny.

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      He’s a boomer

      Don’t forget there are Xers with these views as well, because chapelle’s one of them.

      • @Heisenburner
        9 months ago

        You’re right, Dave was born in '73, long past the Boomer cutoff point. Boomer is just another easy target to blame this mindset on but like you say this is something that defies generational gaps. I’ve met quite a few transphobic millennials/gen z-ers and from what I’ve seen on youngpeopleyoutube, really young kids are already being poisoned by transphobic social media subcultures.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          “Boomer” has basically become slang for things like conservative, old-fashioned, technologically illiterate, homophobic, racist, etc.

          Depends on the context, but barely anyone I know uses the word literally anymore.

      • @Smoogs
        39 months ago

        Yup. I have a millennial brother who adopts these same views. Meanwhile I have boomer hippy aunts and uncles far more liberal. I think it would be an error of judgment to just isolate it to a generation. Bad brains is a human trait.

      • @duffman
        09 months ago

        Generational targeting is really fucking old.

    • @butt_mountain_69420
      59 months ago

      Yeah, he’s just another disgustingly rich paranoid angry has-been.

    • darki
      19 months ago

      Well said

    • Echo Dot
      9 months ago

      The funny thing is I have literally no idea who he is. I have to assume he’s some American “comedian” who, like most of his ilk, is utterly irrelevant/unheard of outside the United States.

      • phillaholic
        109 months ago

        He was a famous comedian who stopped doing his popular sketch show because he didn’t like the way white people where laughing at his race jokes who came back after about a decade and now makes money by making white people laugh the wrong way at Trans people and other disenfranchised people.

      • @negativeyoda
        39 months ago

        He was insightful and hilarious 2 decades ago.

        Last thing of his I watched didn’t make me laugh once and just felt forced and gross

        • Echo Dot
          19 months ago

          Na mate, your at your much better at it. The way you completely refuse to break character is hilarious.

        • @Dkcecil91
          19 months ago

          Maybe if you were a bit less defensive and aggressive someone would’ve informed you that it’s actually spelled “pansy fucks” and you would be able to more successfully insult and fear those you don’t understand.