President Joe Biden hosted a small group of scholars and historians for lunch on Wednesday as he gears up for a speech framing the upcoming election as a battle for the nation’s democracy.

The discussion revolved around “ongoing threats to democracy and democratic institutions both here in America and around the world, as well as the opportunities we face as a nation,” the White House said in a statement.

Princeton’s Eddie Glaude Jr. and Sean Wilentz, Harvard’s Annette Gordon-Reed, Yale’s Beverly Gage and Boston College’s Heather Cox Richardson were among the attendees, as well as presidential biographer — and occasional Biden speech writer — Jon Meacham.

Attendees were tight-lipped about what was discussed at the gathering. One would only go so far as to say they “talked about American history and its bearing on the present — a lively exchange of ideas.”

Another person in the room, who like the others was not authorized to speak publicly about a private meeting, said the historians urged the president “to call out the moment for what it is.” In blunt terms, the academics discussed looming threats to the nation’s democracy and warned about the slow crawl of authoritarianism around the globe.

  • @dhork
    339 months ago

    I think it’s important for Biden to call out this moment for what it is. It will be difficult to do, though, without alienating the people in the country who have incorporated Trump into their political identity. When you point out that their emperor has no clothes, they will feel exposed themselves and lash out at the truth teller.

    Biden has to try and build a coalition of all sorts of people to meet this moment. Especially all the people who are disillusioned with the situation in Gaza right now. It amazes me how all those people would think Trump would be any better at that. Trump would sell out Gaza to build a resort if we let him.

    • @[email protected]
      199 months ago

      Trump would gleefully see Gaza get destroyed. He would call on Israel to not slow down and allow aid to pass through, but do it faster. Like, “have it done by next Monday so I can take the credit for it”.

        • @[email protected]
          99 months ago

          Biden doesn’t control Netanyahu and Netanyahu would much rather have Trump back in power. Why the fuck would he do him any favors

          • @Ensign_Crab
            59 months ago

            Biden doesn’t control Netanyahu

            Did Netanyahu force Biden to sell him weapons?

    • BeautifulMind ♾️
      119 months ago

      It will be difficult to do, though, without alienating the people in the country who have incorporated Trump into their political identity

      They’re already alienated, there’s likely nothing Biden could possibly do that would earn him their votes.

      The question is- can Biden afford to alienate the folks who are against US support of Israeli occupation and genocide? If they stay home, the GOP wrecking crew may get another 4 years of opportunity to dismantle American democracy. Is it safe to bet that they’ll hold their nose and vote against the greater evil?

      I’m not 100% sure how much of the Democratic party (or independents) would find it to be a deal-breaker if Biden were to take a critical stance of Israeli occupation and genocide, nor am I certain of how many likely-democratic voters find it a deal-breaker if Biden continues to give Israel military support without conditions. It seems likely to me that if Biden doesn’t address this issue directly and clearly, he will lose one or the other of these groups and I worry he can’t afford that in 2024

      • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
        69 months ago

        The great part is that there’s nothing Biden can do that would be a deal breaker. I must vote for him because the way we vote is stupid. There’s nothing that can make me not because the alternative is objectively worse.

        So it’s no wonder the DNC doesn’t care what I think.

        • NoIWontPickaName
          -39 months ago

          Or and hear me out here we could allow them to see the consequences of their own actions.

          Fucking fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me

          • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
            59 months ago

            The people who need to feel consequences will not feel the consequences. People I care about will feel the consequences. The people running the Democratic Party will feel nothing.

          • @PRUSSIA_x86
            39 months ago

            We tried that in 2016 and got Trump.

    • NoIWontPickaName
      -169 months ago

      We are just sick of supporting people that support genocidal actions.

      You guys have fun with genocidin biden, if he’s on the ballot I’m just staying home and staying quiet for the next 4 years

      No I don’t care about game theory or blah blah blah.

      I care that I do not show support for anyone who is helping to kill innocent children.

      You guys still have a chance to actually run a primary.

      Straight up fuck anyone who is VBNMW

        • NoIWontPickaName
          29 months ago

          I have a question, does that mean if a trump supporter doesn’t vote for him, then it counts as a vote for Biden?

            • @derphurr
              -29 months ago

              This is a lie and false narrative. If people would have been voting third party since 1992, there might be viable candidates.

              It’s 100% DNC fault for rigged system where they picked Hillary because she directly paid them millions. They are picking Biden because he’s directly funneling hundreds of millions to DNC.

              Any healthy sane organization would have had a primary with a few strong candidates instead of an unelectable senile genocide supporter. Period. If people are worried about Trump, run a real candidate, don’t tell people you have to vote for whatever shitbag DNC has selected because they get salary and probably steal money from DNC.

                • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
                  19 months ago

                  I don’t blame the accelerationists. What’s the difference between killing a million people in ten years with a revolution or killing ten million people over a century by trying to use the trap to break the trap?

                • @derphurr
                  9 months ago

                  I disagree that rcv etc will help. Ive looked extensively into voting audits and all the alternative voting. While useful on a local level there are real problems for national election performed at state and county administration in US… not to mention changing every state constitution.

                  RCV can be gamed, it’s nearly impossible to recount or transparent audits, with the exception of removing anonymous ballots (yes even with crypto because hackers or admin or two party key holders can reverse the crypto if you have receipt type proof)

                  A viable third party could have happened by now, except for decades of the crying about spoiler candidates and throwaeay votes and all the usual fake excuses

          • @sailingbythelee
            19 months ago

            In a certain kind of way, NOT voting for the party you support in a two-party run-off does amount to a fractional vote in favour of your opponent.

            I can’t draw a 2x2 table here, but I’ll try to describe it. In the population of voters, you have 20 supporters of party A and 20 supporters of party B. So, there is 50% support for each party in the population of 40 potential voters. During the actual vote, 10 people in party A vote and 15 people in party B vote. The vote spread is 5 votes in favour of party B. Using proportions, that’s 40% for party A and 60% for party B. Using these proportions on the original 40 people, this is the equivalent of a 16 people voting for party A and 24 people voting for party B, even though there are only 20 actual supporters of party B in the population! So, differential voting rates result in a higher proportion of votes going to the party with the higher voting rate, which means that staying home is not neutral. It is effectively a fractional vote for the other guy, where that fraction is a function of the differential voting rate among the two parties’ supporters.

            Of course, if enough left-wing supporters stay home, it might go so far as to lead to a win for the radical right under Trump. If that happens, all those on the left who refused to show support for Biden will be just as guilty as the MAGA idiots.

            • NoIWontPickaName
              -29 months ago

              I’ll give you that that is a fair point, but the impact of my action doesn’t outweigh my conviction.

              Hopefully more people aren’t like me I guess?

              There is no way Israel would’ve had the balls to go as hard as they did. If they did not have us sitting there to make sure no one else got involved.

              We supported the bully, or at least someone it turns out it was just as bad as the fucking other guy, and then we continue to do it after we saw all the dead children.

              I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, I understand where they’re coming from but they’re still wrong, they’re still the bad guys in this, it just turns out there’s no good guys, but they keep calling themselves the good guys.

      • HubertManne
        49 months ago

        im voting for him regardless of his stance on israel/palestine. How is staying home going to help palestine??? Even for palestine, biden is the lesser evil on who runs the us.

        • @Sanctus
          19 months ago

          Don’t try to apply logic here. This shit doesn’t make any since. Trump would 100% toss Ukraine to Russia and Palestine to Israel. All either countries would have to do is stuff some money in his pocket. They are fucking delussional thinking that theres some other option here. There isn’t. Our political system is not being overhauled for 2024. A new party is not arising. There are no new front runners for either party. Its gonna be Trump v Biden 2: Misinformation Boogaloo and these people really think Trump would do this gracefully and with the safety and peace of all nations in mind. They are steeped in madness.

        • @blazeknave
          19 months ago

          Look at the username. Obstinate child.

      • @dhork
        9 months ago

        You guys have fun with genocidin biden, if he’s on the ballot I’m just staying home and staying quiet for the next 4 years

        “genocidin Biden”? No wonder you’re not voting, you sound like you’re 12. Go to your room and think about what you just said, young human. It’s not as deep as you think it is.

        The situation in Gaza is tragic, and can’t be solved with a soundbite. But anyone who thinks outcomes will be better with Trump in office is delusional. Trump has proven that he doesn’t really care about human rights, he cares about enriching himself. The Palestinians will be sold to the highest bidder. Is that what you want?

        • @Ensign_Crab
          59 months ago

          Browbeating is satisfying, and is less work than addressing the issue and trying to make progress toward a resolution. Do you suppose that your response made it more likely that the person you responded to will behave in the way you want?

          Dismissiveness indicates an aversion to introspection.

          • NoIWontPickaName
            39 months ago

            I am not averse to introspection, I did a lot of it before I made my decision.

            Morally, I can not support someone who wants to kill Gazans so badly that he did a run around around congress, twice.

            He even confirms that he is not concerned about it, just the optics on israel.

            • @Ensign_Crab
              39 months ago

              I am not averse to introspection

              I didn’t say you were. I was referring to your interlocutor.

          • @Feathercrown
            19 months ago

            Dismissiveness also comes from fatigue, which we have in spades right now

            • @Ensign_Crab
              09 months ago

              Dismissiveness also comes from fatigue, which we have in spades right now

              Yes, people who aren’t as supportive of genocide as you’d prefer are certainly fatiguing.

        • NoIWontPickaName
          9 months ago

          Also, my bad, it should be Genocidin’ Biden with a capital g and an apostrophe for proprieties sake

        • NoIWontPickaName
          19 months ago

          I’m 37 and voted blue from 18.

          The party is officials are ignoring my concerns therefore, I no longer support them.

          Feel free to do so if you’d like, I don’t intend on standing in your way.

          You did not have my back, and now I won’t have yours

          • @Soulg
            -39 months ago

            Cool, so you’re just a fucking idiot then, got it

            • NoIWontPickaName
              59 months ago

              Loyalty is a 2 way street. I fronted the party some and they fucked me when it came time to pay it back.

              I’ll give you some good life advice, never give your loyalty to someone who ignores you.

              I’ll tell you what, maybe you can go bypass congressional oversight to do what you want.

              Maybe you can give unlimited support to him, but I won’t help a bad person.

              • @[email protected]
                09 months ago

                I’ll give you some good life advice, never give your loyalty to someone who ignores you.

                We’re talking about voting, not loyalty.

                Maybe you can give unlimited support to him, but I won’t help a bad person.

                Of course you will. Choosing to throw away your vote is a choice nonetheless.

                • NoIWontPickaName
                  09 months ago

                  I mean, if I really disagreed that much I could just vote for the other guy out of spite.

                  I support the rest of what y’all stand for enough not to help the enemy, I just can’t stand the thought of standing next to you anymore.

        • NoIWontPickaName
          -19 months ago

          Nope, I hate motherfuckers who bitch about the president and then you find out they didn’t even bother to vote.

          I can at least respect the opposition when they bitch they put in the time and effort to stand in fucking line or maybe even just mail in a form.

      • @Sanctus
        -19 months ago

        Okay, enjoy the genocide of your lgbtq+ and immigrant neighbors. You won’t vote but the MAGA crowd will appear in full force.

        • @[email protected]
          49 months ago

          You’re kind of helping his argument, no? His choice is support genocide of his LGBT+ neighbors or Palestinians? Neither option presented sounds worthy of a vote.

          • @Feathercrown
            29 months ago

            And republicans are going to end the Israel-Palestine conflict? I don’t think so

            • @[email protected]
              29 months ago

              You’re so hell bent on making it a Republican vs Democrat thing. We should be primarying Biden out. They’re both too old and need to go the fuck on.

              • @Feathercrown
                19 months ago

                Whether you like it or not, until we get RCV, approval voting, STAR, or some other method better than first-past-the-post (we don’t even have majority!), it is a Democrat vs. Republican thing. Which I should mention, is also how YOU framed it in your post. The only thing I’m pointing out is that if you choose the option that’s bad for LGBTQ+, it’s also just as bad for Palestinians as the other option is.

                • @[email protected]
                  29 months ago

                  This skios the part where the Dems act like Biden is the only candidate that can beat Trump. He may beat him, he also may beat him to his grave. He’s too old and should be primaried out.

                  • @Feathercrown
                    19 months ago

                    Who would run instead? Harris? I haven’t seen a single article about her. Bernie? The DNC would never do that. Biden is the incumbent, and what other good options are there?

          • @Mikelius
            29 months ago

            It’s not an “or” question, it’s an“and”.

          • HubertManne
            19 months ago

            not really since the palestines situation will be the same or worse under turmp. so its a choice of some or more of.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          29 months ago

          Democrats already jumped at the chance to support one genocide. Why should anyone trust them to not do it again at their earliest convenience?

          • @Sanctus
            09 months ago

            Republicans also jumped at the chance to feed Ukraine to Russia. Whats your point? Feed Ukraine to Russia so that Trump will protect Palestine? The Republicans already cut so much of Ukraine’s funding that they are struggling. I really don’t see what this better alternative is. We can’t just say no. Too much of the country is okay with both parties.

            • @Ensign_Crab
              19 months ago

              Whats your point?

              I made my point. You ignored it. You don’t get to act like Democrats will protect anyone from genocide while they’re actively supporting a genocide.

              They’re not being shielded; they’re just another entry on the “then they came for” list.

              • @Sanctus
                09 months ago

                And who will shield the needy and vulnerable? Who will come to their aide when the world simply stares? What is your alternative solution?

                • @Ensign_Crab
                  19 months ago

                  And who will shield the needy and vulnerable?

                  Who indeed? Democrats had some legitimacy when they claimed they would do that. Until recently.

                  What is your alternative solution?

                  I’d start with Democrats ceasing their support for genocide.

                  • @Sanctus
                    -19 months ago

                    The older Democrats and generation in general hold fast to Israel. Its what they’re familiar with and have grown up “on their team”. There is a divide in the age groups as the younger democratic officials support Palestine. What other elected officials of a different political party support Palestine and endorse it publicly? Do many Republicans? In American politics, those are your options without fundamental change to the voting system.

                  • @Sanctus
                    9 months ago

                    I don’t. I think we need to change how our voting system works. We don’t have time before the next election. Thats my rationale. You have to choose now, this year. Ranked choice is not being implemented. So, you’re getting Trump or Biden most likely. With this shitty voting system, anybody spitefully withholding votes is helping Republicans make a Theocracy.

              • @Sanctus
                -19 months ago

                Realistically, in real life, your other option is Republicans. Thats how American politics works. Until we fundamentally change the way our voting system works. So I’m curious what your rationale is. What are you going to do? Allow a man who straight up claimed he be a dictator to take over in spite? What is the goal?

                • @Ensign_Crab
                  19 months ago

                  This is the third time you’ve ignored what I’ve said and accused me of saying something I haven’t.

                  • @Sanctus
                    -19 months ago

                    You jumped in the chain literally about my reply to someone daying “have fun with genocidin biden”. Thats part of the context. The democrats only have one thing going and its their lead not being a fucking psycho. We don’t have time to implement ranked across the country before this years elections. Thats all they have besides being centrist capitalists every else in the world, which is marginally better than raving theocrat. We need to change our system but we are forced to vote one more time first. Unless you have something better to propose.

                • krolden
                  09 months ago

                  How is voting for the lessser of two evils going to change anything for the better?

                  • @Sanctus
                    19 months ago

                    You got a greater good to offer?

      • @blazeknave
        -19 months ago

        You’re killing trans children at home. Other out groups as well. Thanks. And thanks for sharing and encouraging others. This is helpful. I’ll remember your bravery and honor and this moment and the chair I’m sitting in, when they are separating my family at the gas chamber in 6 or 7 years. Bc you didn’t know how to read the room.

        • NoIWontPickaName
          09 months ago

          You’re already voting to support that, you just want other people to pay that price for you.

          • @blazeknave
            19 months ago

            You think both sides are the same for trans kids? What are you, like 17?