• BlanketsWithSmallpox
      6 months ago

      I hear mid and I think oh shit, cheaper for more that isn’t overpriced shiny crystal smelly shit but still almost smokes the same.

      Kinda like every movie, song, and game ever describes as mid lol.

      I swear people can’t just enjoy popcorn shit anymore which is all anything mid is. Sometimes I don’t want to watch the best movie ever. Sometimes I just want to watch stupid lighthearted comedy that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Sometimes I just want another stock standard Meteoidvania or Harvest Moon clone.

      When you quit chasing new highs constantly, even the old highs work well. And I don’t even smoke lol.

    • @normalexit
      26 months ago

      I take it as average rather than great, which while it does have a less than stellar implication, doesn’t seem like it is inherently bad. Moreso a “meets expectations” with a hint of “there are better options available”

    • @foggy
      26 months ago

      But mids (weed) are the worst.

        • @foggy
          6 months ago

          Yeah, we called it brick weed cause they were packaged to save space not the product… and we generally didn’t fuck with it because it wasn’t even green by the time it was up in New england

          • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
            16 months ago

            I bought a batch of that shit once that had been dyed green - you could tell because most of the green pigment ended up concentrated at the end of the fat stems. Nastiest shit ever, I’m probably lucky to be alive.

        • @ShadyGrove
          6 months ago

          We used to call Mexican brick weed regs, or reggie, which I guess was slang for regular. Though I’m not sure why we called it that because it was much easier to find “fire” weed…which we called krypto or crippie. I think that was a south Florida thing though.

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            Ah, I’m in a border state, so brick weed was super easy to get. I had a buddy that would stuff a quart zip lock full for $40.

            I personally find all of the high quality weed to be too strong. I don’t smoke enough to have a high tolerance, so even one hit can be too much. I wish shops would sell lower thc stuff, although I’ve had good success with D8

        • Flying Squid
          16 months ago

          I’ve had Indiana ditch weed. There’s basically no THC in it at all. But it’s useful to sell to other high school kids who aren’t aware of that and then think they’re high when they smoke it.

        • @foggy
          26 months ago

          That’s how you insult someone’s mids.

      • Flying Squid
        36 months ago

        I had never heard that slang for weed before in my life and I was meeting up with an old friend about 10 years ago who was going to get weed for me and he said, “I can get mids.” And I said, “I don’t do pills, man. I’m just interested in weed.” I thought he said “meds.”