Anything expensive, unhealthy or a combination of both. Just recently I cooked an overly rich steak dinner of filet mingon topped with foie gras and a variety of sides. Eaten on the couch, of course, because I’m truly a glutton.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    Meatloaf. It’s a fairly unhealthy, mildly cost intensive main, but it’s so good.

    Also, lemon meringue pie because, damn, it is labor intensive. For a middle aged crippled dude, it can be a major undertaking. Juicing lemons, making curd, prebaking crusts that are finicky to get perfect, then getting the meringue right. It’s al all afternoon task. But! Then you take a bite, and that sunshine you’ve captured and turned into a pie makes all the pains and aches fade a little :)