• rivermonster
    479 months ago

    Capitalism views maintenance as an expense, not revenue-in.

    • @Pirasp
      719 months ago

      This probably has nothing to do with maintenance. The plane was only two months old. Enough for some inspections, but nobody would suspect or look for cracks in the fuselage at that point. So it’s probably a manufacturing issue.

      • Zorque
        219 months ago

        Capitalism views quality control as an expense, not revenue-in.

        • @LufyCZ
          239 months ago

          Anything views quality control as an expense.

          Are you even listening to yourself?

          • @TheFonz
            349 months ago

            There is a vocal segment of Lemmy that can ONLY frame the world through the lens of class warfare and nothing else. That’s why they hijack every topic and thread with the same rhetoric. They have no plan, guidance or recommendations on what to do. They are only here to inform us about the ills of capitalism as if the collective psyche woke up yesterday and forgot all of history. They are so enlightened and privileged that they can’t help themselves in their need to share this valuable knowledge with everyone else. Capitalism bad. That’s it. Then they scuttle off to the next thread and start over. That’s the extent of “the Revolution”.

            • @LufyCZ
              109 months ago

              Yes god thank you.

              I thought I was going crazy, every single thread that’s even remotely (very remotely) connected to politics is full of this.

              I’m seriously worried for the platform, because this shit is going to turn people off hard.

              Even saw someone suggesting an assassination of a supreme court justice AND PEOPLE WERE FUCKING DEFENDING IT. The mods removed the comment luckily, but I still managed to get like 30 downvotes on a “don’t suggest assassinations, be better than them” comment, just check my history.

              We’re becoming fucking Truth Social or Parler or whatever of the left.

              • @TheFonz
                59 months ago

                I feel like it’s too late for Lemmy. The echo chamber is already pretty strong. I hope I’m wrong.

                • HACKthePRISONS
                  39 months ago

                  the flagship instance is lemmy.ml

                  the software is made by tankies.

                  did you think this place was politically neutral? the whole fediverse is a fuck you to the status quo.

                  • @TheFonz
                    129 months ago

                    To be honest, I have nothing against socialists. I consider myself a soc Dem. I have many friends that are socialists. My issue is with how shallow and superficial the conversation is. Of your whole world thesis starts and ends with class warfare, there simply isn’t much to discuss. There are no prescriptions- just empty rhetoric. At the end of the say it’s horseshoe anti-establishment.

                • @LufyCZ
                  29 months ago

                  I’m trying to break through the echo chamber whenever I come across it, but it’s a thankless endeavor, and I’m pretty close to giving up.

                  • @TheFonz
                    69 months ago

                    There’s dozens of us haha. I think more people are tired of the empty rhetoric because it’s not getting the same traction it used to. My suspicion is it’s like the same three people posting the same comment everywhere.

              • @[email protected]
                19 months ago

                I mean, I don’t advocate political assassinations, but I also recognize that the SC really doesn’t have any avenues for the people to remove a judge other than violence.

                A lot of problems would be solved if the people could call votes of no confidence.

                • @LufyCZ
                  19 months ago

                  You can recognize it without suggesting anything, that’s completely fine in my book.

                  And yeah agreed, it’s stupid that there’s no mechanism like that

                • @TheFonz
                  9 months ago

                  Can’t judges be impeached?

                  Why are you downvoting? Judges can and have been impeached. The comment above implied this wasnt true.

                  • @[email protected]
                    29 months ago

                    That’s not a mechanism the people control, especially with rampant gerrymandering by the GOP.

            • @[email protected]
              79 months ago

              Just as annoying are the “cars are bad” people who crawl out of the woodwork every time a car is mentioned.

            • Zorque
              -39 months ago

              I mean, I recommend voting and being active politically and socially, but there’s always people who hate discussing politics at all and just want to live in their middle class bubble thats keeps on shrinking.

              But, sorry that people point out negative things in your vicinity, it must really suck when you’re taken out of your self-imposed apolitical safe zone.

              • @TheFonz
                29 months ago

                What a stupid retort. Are you 12? “Being active politically and socially” whatever the fuck that means.

                I’m 38 and I moved to the US from eastern Europe. You know nothing about the life or hardship I endured under communist dictatorship.

                I welcome talking about difficult topics. Let’s do that. But let’s also not kid ourselves the vast majority of you guys are not interested in having those “difficult conversations” and are only here for the brownie internet points. You want to have the adult conversation? Let’s skip the moral grandstanding about capitalism and go straight to actionable items beyond being “politically and socially active”.

          • Zorque
            -29 months ago

            I was just reframing the statement based on the previous commenters nitpicking.

            The point being they consider it an unwelcome expense instead of part of the necessary cost of doing business.

    • @[email protected]
      369 months ago

      Aircraft maintenance is heavily regulated. This was a new plane, and the result of the failure is that all planes of that type have been grounded.

      There are plenty of issues caused by corporate greed and lack of regulation as it is, but this isn’t one of them.

      • @[email protected]
        239 months ago

        The story of the 737 MAX is corporate greed. It’s just by Boening, not the operator. However, the operators heavily influence the choices by Boening.

        • rivermonster
          119 months ago

          When corporations capture the government, the 737 MAX happens.

      • rivermonster
        69 months ago

        Actually, you make my point. Without regulation that was outside the hands of capitalists, they wouldn’t have been grounded. Capitalism only cares about profits. Thank hell, that there are a few regulations left, right?

    • @TheFonz
      9 months ago

      You know what, you’re right. ‘Le capitalism bad’. Now what? What the fuck do you propose? Get us to the revolution man. C’mon. Let’s go. I’m ready! Let’s goooooo. Tell us what to do next! I’m listening.

      Edit: wait, so I’m asking what we should do about it and I’m getting downvotes? I thought capitalism was bad. Shouldn’t we DO something about it? Or is it just performative for you guys? Pedal to the metal. Put up or shut up. Let’s do this. I’m ready…let’s GOOOO

      • rivermonster
        9 months ago

        Lots of things, you never privatize critical services like water, electricity, and healthcare. And if you do privatize it, you do so with strong regulation.

        You focus on worker co-ops and never allow a company to have less than 50% of the board of the directors made up of workers (see Germany), this helps prevent short-term vulture capitalism.

        You never allow private business to capture the legislature and literally hand laws to the congress they own who blindly passes it, the main way things happen in a dystopia like Murica.

        Just realized I’m likely feeding the troll… you can do some reading, I’ve given you a starting place. You can Google democratic socialism as well, which might help as a general starting point.

        • @[email protected]
          39 months ago

          Boeing and Airbus aren’t really “regulatory capture” situations. They’re basically state monopolies, and the EU and US have been suing each other for decades for unlawful competition lmao

          Also they both have a HUGE defense sector that is completely tied to state policy.

          Honestly the most capitalistic part about them is that everybody pretends that they’re private companies operating in a free market (because that’s a politically convenient lie in a neoliberal global economy), but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Their Defense contracts are State-Funded, and their aviation R&D is State-Funded. De facto, I’d argue they are public companies.

          Unfortunately part of Boeing’s problem is that they are being slowly outcompeted by Airbus, but the U.S. government cannot let them fail. Not (only) because of corruption, but simply because Boeing’s industrial capacity is crucial to the defense sector and cannot be allowed to perish or be sold off to a foreign competitor. That political reality exists independently of who sits at Boeing’s board of directors, so changing it without doing anything about the politics might not yield appreciable results (at least not in the short term).

          My take that the company should be officially nationalized and/or broken up, but both of those are political non-starters for the U.S.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          I’m reading a lot of “you do” which is actually “your society should do” and which the average person has very little say in. I’m not going to be able to just march into congress and inform them that they are no longer allowed to deal with private businesses, no matter how much I may want to.

        • @TheFonz
          29 months ago

          I’m not a troll but you’re just rehashing things we all already agree on. Show us the roadmap to change beyond virtue signaling on message boards. Let’s talk about more nuanced effective change rather than grandstand constantly with the same three topical catchphrase. I need more than “capitalism bad”.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            The next step is start voting for capitalism bad politicians.

            Those politicians dont exist unless they think thats a platform that could get votes with.

            They measure that by how much people talk about that and poll about that as a positive topic they support.

            People dont poll about ideas they dont know or understand.

            People learn and better understand political views by talking about them.

            Unless youre asking for a violent revolution, this is how you start this conversation. By talking to people about it.

            If you are asking for a violent revolution, thats your own bag. Thats not a step 2 to be egging other people into.

            • @TheFonz
              -19 months ago

              I’m not asking for a violent revolution. I’m asking for more meaningful discourse on Lemmy that doesn’t start or end with “capitalism bad”. All the stuff you said is nice, but not an actionable plan. You yourself don’t seem very bought into it. Maybe we should shift the conversation less about the birds eye view and more about actionable items instead?

              • @[email protected]
                19 months ago

                The actionable items are run for office, or vote.

                Did you need me to tell you to vote? Are you wanting to run for office? No?

                Then the actionable plan is show someone actually capable of holding office that this is a viable platform. So we have someone to vote for.

                By talking about this. In public spaces.

                I cannot repeat this more dumbed down for you.

                • @TheFonz
                  -19 months ago

                  This is all so superficial as if we just woke up to politics yesterday. Are you running for office? What are you doing besides voting? Why don’t you lead with that instead of this banal sophomoric rhetoric about capitalism? What about working towards meaningful policy change? Canvassing? Participating in local elections?

                  • @[email protected]
                    29 months ago

                    Do you think that the average person is getting directly involved in their local political scene?

                    Do you think people who are willing to engage with their local politics need to hear one last encouragement from a lemmy comment to finally push them over the fence?

                    Or do you think that the people who are informed and motivated enough to be involved already are doing that?

                    And that maybe, as a public forum, the actual best thing to be doing is making these ideas commonplace for the average person using that forum, so that when they see those ideas being advocated by someone running for office they will be familiar with the concepts and more willing to consider that person as a serious politician?

                    Or do you think maybe you know all this, and are just bitching because you want violence?

          • rivermonster
            19 months ago

            I’m glad you’re past capitalism bad. But it’s a critical message that the majority don’t get. For example, in the US we have two capitalist parties with nearly identical fiscal policies. There’s no party to vote for that isn’t the problem with respect to fiscal policy and economic principles.

            Thus, one thing you can do is work on the people who don’t understand all the problems we have that are the direct result of capitalism. Sharing information, helping them understand the linkages between their day to day struggles, and thst our system is literally the root of it.

            Another is to join or found a labor union at your workplace. There is a lot of opportunity to organize and get people involved.

            If you’re more just looking for how to prepare for the likely collapse, there are groups like the SRS Socialist Rifle Association. There’s every possibility that capitalism will collapse the US.

            You can join a third party or the democratic local group around you and try to move their policies and stances to the left and away from capitalism. I personally don’t have a lot of faith in the system atm. But I prefer anything to collapse and possible civil war.

            You could even google this stuff yourself? I think I’ve been really generous on your “I’m angry, spoon feed me.” If you don’t mean it that way, then take it as constructive criticism.

            • @TheFonz
              9 months ago

              I think what you don’t realize is we’re all past “Capitalism bad”. So seeing the same goddam comment in every thread isn’t helpful. It’s actually turning people away from the cause. You don’t need to spoon feed us anything, but you could lead with something more substantial. You really need to update your messaging.

      • @highenergyphysics
        29 months ago

        The reason nobody is engaging with you is because you’re clearly completely brainrotted and arguing in bad faith.

        You want a fucking answer, shithead? It starts with the dictatorship of the proletariat, a true democracy. That starts with strong worker unions. That starts with universal healthcare untied to employment. Better education for the people in a world shifting largely to trades and higher education instead of menial data entry or service jobs. Elimination of FPTP elections.

        All things that can be easily accomplished via legislation, TODAY without total societal upheaval.

        Now are you gonna help achieve that by attending city council meetings and voting for leftist parties so they can get increasing levels of federal election funding?

        No, you’re not. You’re just going to reply with some bullshit degenerate rant that makes no logical sense about how you love fascism and having a foot in your mouth.

        So shut the fuck up, shove it up your ass, and go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit.

        • @TheFonz
          09 months ago

          You just wrote more vacuous stuff. “CHANGE LEGISLATION”. I like all the points you brought up actually. Unions, fptp, Universal healthcare. These are all great! I’m on board. Now what? Walk us through the process. Or maybe you feel more comfortable doing more grandstanding? Via that’s all I see here on Lemmy. Two things: attack capitalism; grandstand.

          Let’s try this one more time: Can you give us a concrete roadmap to effective change?