• @TrickDacy
    199 months ago

    They’re making perfect the enemy of good and wiping away the good things that democrats do.

      • @TokenBoomerOP
        29 months ago

        I’m stealing this. As a sovereign citizen it is my right! /s

    • @EndlessApollo
      -29 months ago

      Like holy shit imagine the amount of cognitive dissonance you must need to defend democrats not doing anything while in office xD

      • @TrickDacy
        119 months ago

        The point is that they do things but it would never be good enough for smug contrarians

        • @EndlessApollo
          -109 months ago

          Oh yea they do so much, like forgive student loa–sorry I mean being the most pro union preside–I mean putting an end to genoci–I mean raising the minimum wa–wait wait I swear liberals don’t just sit on their ass all day and collaborate with the GOP just gimme a sec

          • @TrickDacy
            149 months ago

            I saw a list of things Biden had done so far a year ago and I’m sure you’d shit all over it but it’s not nothing

            • @EndlessApollo
              -129 months ago

              I saw one too, I didn’t read the whole thing but what I saw was 80% half-fulfilled promises and 20% just blatantly bad shit like supporting Israeli occupation of Palestine and expanding our oil industry. I’d almost rather he literally didn’t do anything instead of just figuratively doing nothing

              • @Ensign_Crab
                39 months ago

                I saw the same list. There was also a lot of duplicate entries, taking credit for the UAW’s work, and giving Biden credit for Obama’s accomplishments.

                • @EndlessApollo
                  29 months ago

                  Oo yea I forgot how many dupes were in that list xD you’d think God Emperor Dark Brandon would have at least done enough to fill out a small list, but nope

              • @Xanis
                9 months ago

                This is fascinating. Your comments come across as very combative and angry, while most responses read and feel calm, if defensive, and often trying to process a point with other facts or claims. I want to ask why you don’t shift how you say things and support your arguments? I shit you not, most of us on the not-fascist side don’t mind listening to alternative views and perspectives. They just need to be laid out in a way that also doesn’t make us feel as if we need to go on the defensive. That’s conversation. It’ll get us all somewhere rather than drawing lines just to draw them.

                • @EndlessApollo
                  49 months ago

                  Honestly a lot of it is just that I have barely treated anger issues and I’m going through drug withdrawals. That’s not an excuse to be an asshole on the internet, I’m just really struggling to not throw my phone against the wall, let alone write a measured reply to people who think I’m worse than a trump voter.

                  It doesn’t help that whenever I bring up not really liking biden or being on the fence about voting for him, a bunch of smug liberals come out to tell me I’m a nazi for not voting for someone barely left of reagan who p much never opposes republicans or corporations. Even under good circumstances I don’t take well to being called a Nazi, so I go on the offensive.

                  I’m also open to having my mind changed, and even voting for biden if it turns out he’s better than I thought. It still seems like the logical choice to try and outlast culture war conservatives, though I’m really really starting to doubt whether democrats will ever stop going right, which makes voting for them feel like keeping the valve closed on a boiler that’s about to explode. I’d love to hear how Dark Brandon is actually the best president since Jesus, but I haven’t seen any indication he’s better than any other right wing neolib

                  • @Xanis
                    19 months ago

                    Thank you for the measured reply. Honestly, I know it takes effort, possibly doubly so for you. I’ve always been of the mind that if a policy or idea makes sense, if it’s actually good, I’ll support it. Whomever else supports it doesn’t matter to me, or their reasons. Every day people make the right choices for the wrong reason, and I say let them make those choices. The issue for every single one of us, myself included, is that our perception of right and wrong is always marred by our experiences, our personal perspective.

                    An example of this is I will vote Biden just to make sure Trump doesn’t end up in power again. I foresee a future under his dictatorship where many will suffer. Not because of him, because his base and the Republicans that bow to him, will become emboldened, and the people that know how, will manipulate him. As we’ve seen: What many of us would consider rash choices or unwise decisions are daily drivers for the Far Right. Yet many of them likely believe they’re correct, some of them justified under unusual circumstances in their minds, others having essentially spent a life time only listening to specific rhetoric.

                    If any reader makes it this far, thank you. I dislike choosing sides and believe that the majority of us simply wish to live a good life. Even the ones who only wish for others to have a bad life are inversely projecting on their desires to have it better themselves. This divide in our culture is orchestrated and it’d be wonderful if we stopped dancing to the movement of the strings held by the weathly and influential.

                • @EndlessApollo
                  9 months ago

                  It is truly pathetic not liking a president who’s speeding us towards climate apocalypse 👍

                  Heck yea downvote me for opposing climate change, that totally doesn’t make you a reactionary xD democrats could literally implement The Final Solution Pt 2 and you asskissers would still be voting blue no matter who

                  • @TrickDacy
                    09 months ago

                    Yah we get it you’re smart and morally superior

      • @TheFonz
        9 months ago

        Holy shit: the lack of your knowledge on how legislation works is astounding.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        29 months ago

        Centrists think doing nothing is the same as doing good.

    • @EndlessApollo
      9 months ago

      Democrats aren’t good tho, they literally are the enemy of good. If they weren’t evil they would do literally fucking anything about republicans and capitalists trying to take our rights and go full of fascist. But nope, it’s always “waahhhh gop won’t let us do anything :cccc” while letting republicans do literally anything they want

      • @TrickDacy
        149 months ago

        This is ignorant and false

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          they’re literally aiding and abetting a genocide right now as we speak

          they happily enacted legislation penned by the freaking heritage foundation that put a tax on not having health insurance (read: a tax on not purchasing services from a private company while having a human body), and strutted about like it was a win

          not to mention the VP’s track record with trans rights (hint: as AG of Cali she went out of her way to land trans women in men’s prison, against the prevailing policy in Cali at the time)

          'member when Biden campaigned HARD on LGBT rights, and then told us to pipe down and wait our turn when he took office? We’ve not stopped backsliding since the Trump admin on that stuff.

          The Dems are lying to you.

          The Dems and Rs are playing good cop bad cop and always have been. They are very clearly on the same side, and the rest is a show to get willfully clueless and baby-brained people to support them.

          • @TrickDacy
            -29 months ago

            Most of this is speculative, but regardless voting anything but Dem in the United States objectively hurts (potentially )any non-rich person.

            Why are you spreading pro-republican messaging?

            • @[email protected]
              9 months ago

              why is your reading comprehension so bad? why are matters of public record “speculative” in your eyes? Why are you defending people complicit in a genocide? at least finish reading before you go twisting my point.

              • @TrickDacy
                -29 months ago

                Don’t have time to read every message raving bOtH sIdEs

                  • @TrickDacy
                    -19 months ago

                    Yeah I have time to counter your bullshit but not to engage with it. Not hard to understand, typical third party voter – unable to grasp basic logic

            • @[email protected]
              29 months ago

              moreover, why do you think dem-enacted policies such as taxing the uninsured doesn’t hurt the working poor?

        • @EndlessApollo
          -119 months ago

          Again, can one party stop the other from doing things or not? If republicans can stop democrats from pushing through their legislation, the only reasonable explanation for democrats not doing the same to republicans is that they choose not to

        • @EndlessApollo
          9 months ago

          So there’s something that renders democrats completely incapable of ever stopping republicans from doing anything? Bc otherwise they’re just liars and collaborators, no other explanation for trying to meet actual fascists in the middle and never doing fuck all to stop them

          • @Psychodelic
            59 months ago

            It’s always odd to see how the ones that know the least are the ones that are also the most confident… and insufferable

            • @EndlessApollo
              9 months ago

              I’ll take that as a “no, democrats just choose not to ever stop republicans from fucking things up” unless you can explain why they don’t (“republicans won’t let us” isn’t an explanation, unless it’s somehow codified that democrats have to support republicans)

              • @Psychodelic
                29 months ago

                FYI, it’s no on else’s job to educate you. And that’s not the attitude one learns with

                That said, gets my take: there’s three branches of government. All three have been relatively compromised. To your main question, Congress controls legislation and it’s been compromised because it over-represents a specific demographic (read: mostly white people places with relatively low populations). And well, American whites are a special bunch. The executive branch is compromised in a large part for the same reason - the pres is elected via electoral college which again over-represents white (I mean, wtf is there two Dakotas? We barely need one and they get 4 senators even though only 5 people live in each state).