President Biden’s reelection campaign raised more than $1 million through online fundraising alone in the 24 hours after the president’s Jan. 6 anniversary speech, according to numbers exclusively provided to The Hill.

Biden on Friday gave a full throated attack against former President Trump, his likely GOP opponent, and warned Americans that Trump’s reelection would pose a threat to American democracy. The president zeroed in on Jan. 6 to mark the third anniversary of the U.S. Capitol riots and argued in his remarks that democracy is on the ballot in 2024.

In response to the 24-hour fundraising haul, the Biden campaign noted that they see preserving democracy as a political winner for the president in 2024.

  • @givesomefucks
    9 months ago

    Biden and the DNC suck… I say that more than enough.

    But they’re still better than Jill Stein.

    And it’s weird to see someone talking about her like this.

    And obviously they didn’t chain her to a chair

    • Verdant Banana
      9 months ago

      not promoting Jill but what she said is on point

      so they obviously didn’t? you mean she was allowed onto the debate floor?

      “DR. JILL STEIN: We were held at a facility, especially created for detaining protesters at the debates. It appeared to be a warehouse which had been specially equipped. It was obviously—you know, they were prepared to handle a lot of people. They had 13 officers there and three plainclothesmen. For most of the time, it was just Cheri Honkala and myself, yet they felt the need to keep us in tight plastic restraints, tightly secured to metal chairs.”

      again how are democrats defending democray and how are the two parties not the same?

      • @givesomefucks
        9 months ago

        She was a Green Party candidate without the numbers to justify being in a debate…

        You’re mad she didn’t have the support to get on the debate stage for the general, but that’s not the fault of Biden or Obama or anyone from the DNC.

        If you’re complaint is she wasn’t on the debate stage for the primary…

        What the fuck?

        She’s not a Democrat, why would she be in the dem primary debate?

        The more details you give, the less sense you make. Or are you honestly staying saying Barack Obama and Joe Biden physically chained her to a chair?

        Actually, I really don’t care what you’re gonna say next

      • Jaysyn
        79 months ago

        You’re right, they should have been prosecuted for Trespassing instead of being let off easy like they were.