The stark question was posed to Trump’s attorney John Sauer by Judge Florence Pan: Was a president immune from prosecution for any unlawful act, at all? Could a president order his political rivals to be assassinated by Seal Team 6 as an official act? Could he sell pardons at his pleasure if he saw fit and then face no consequences for his actions?

“He would have to be impeached and convicted first,” Sauer replied,

  • Goku
    1 year ago

    Hmm sounds like the whole “balance of power in the 3 branches of government” is being completely ignored by this dumb lawyer.

    The executive branch must be held accountable by more than just the Senate… Otherwise there might as well only be 2 branches of power and the justice system would fall under the umbrella of the executive branch.

    • @MotoAsh
      1 year ago

      It’s also being ignored by SCOTUS, so… Doesn’t seem the government cares about corruption what so ever.