Since we had a thread about Tachiyomi removing extentions I thought this might also be relevant.

Picture version

Text version:

Tachiyomi, under the guise of ‘legitimate’ open-source development, has been seriously infringing on the copyright of manhwas worldwide.

We have collected personal details of most individuals involved in this project and plan to proceed with strong legal and institutional response against over 100 forked GitHub pages.

For the official English versions of KakaoPage/Kakao Webtoon, please enjoy them on Tapas!

Be Official, Be Legal Readers.

Not sure how many contributors were involved in Tachiyomi itself but it looks like they’ll be aiming for any forked projects as well.

Time to break out GitHub’s developer defense fund?

  • @JustARaccoon
    155 months ago

    They have no case, tachiyomi is nothing but a glorified web browser, if they wanted to go after someone they need to go after the aggregators. I wonder if they just tested the waters with the take down notice of the previous list of extensions and are now subsequently pushing it further since they saw the tachiyomi team folded to their demands.

    • @[email protected]M
      125 months ago

      I suspect that is exactly what is happening. They saw initial success for essentially the price of a cease and desist letter. Why not keep pushing? It will be interesting if they actually file dmca claims against github repos and make github decide a course of action.

      • conciselyverbose
        35 months ago

        GitHub hosts Nintendo emulators, and Nintendo is insanely litigious and has a much better argument than these dumb fucks pretending they can take down a reader because piracy exists.

        They’ll follow the DMCA takedown process. They’re required to. But they’re not going to pull a YouTube and go way beyond their legal obligations to pacify big IP holders.

    • @Essence_of_MehOP
      85 months ago

      Yeah, it’s something many people predicted as soon as news of removing extensions came out. I don’t know about the main Tachiyomi team but I hope at least some of the affected contributors decides to defend themselves - otherwise we’ll see more frivolous lawsuits like this.

    • @Cybersteel
      05 months ago

      If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime

      • @JustARaccoon
        25 months ago

        You a bot or something? What crime?