I cannot recall the last time I was swayed by an advertisement.

  • RQG
    122 years ago

    Would companies spend hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars in advertising if it didn’t work?

    Ads are the weaponized form of decades of cutting edge psychology research. It works. Especially if you think it doesn’t work on you.

    The best thing you can do is minimize exposure to ads by using ad blockers, not using big social media platforms and paying for subscriptions which disable ads.

    • @VupperwareOP
      42 years ago

      I know there’s a lot of money pumped into advertising, and I’ve seen SO MANY people say “if you don’t think it works, it works” but can anyone provide a justification for that claim?

      Thinking on it now, I realize that people who are hating on advertising don’t realize just how many people there are.

      This thread got me thinking about which ads I’ve succumbed to MONETARILY, and these are the ones that come to mind:

      -Quip Toothbrush

      That’s all that comes to mind.

      • @TimewornTraveler
        22 years ago

        You’ve never seen a picture of food and had a desire to eat that type of food?

      • @Moonguide
        22 years ago

        There’s lots of research on the matter, but of varying quality. This paper for example, measures the effectiveness of personalized ads in a sportswear website. Data found was nuanced, but the tldr is that personalized ads did, on the whole, increase the likelyhood a costumer would go further into the purchasing pipeline, but would be less effective over time with repeated exposure to the ads. Mind you, this paper didn’t measure personalized ads to confirmed sales, only ads to clicks (at least, that’s what I got from the discussion chapter, migraine’s kicking my ass rn).

        There’s other papers related to the topic, but a bunch I found were qualitative and thus not the most reliable imo when measuring the effectiveness of advertisement imo.

        Disclaimer: not a scientist, but had to take some related classes for my graphic design degree.

      • RQG
        12 years ago

        There are a lot of studies on effects of marketing such as brand recognition leading to purchases. I’d like to put the onus on you to do a bit of Google research it the topic interests you. I don’t have any links at hand and I’ve only looked into the topic some years ago. I remember being shocked at the effectiveness of some methods on certain groups of people.

        But I think a ton of market research isn’t public as the companies want to make money off of it so they don’t release it.

      • @ChexMax
        12 years ago

        When Jack and his gf on 30 rock were shown eating a McFlurry on 30 rock, I definitely ate more McFlurries that year. They worked it into a couple jokes and at the time (highschool) I didn’t realize it was a paid advertisement. I didn’t want it necessarily because they ate it, more like they reminded me it exists, and who doesn’t like soft serve? Anyway, when I watch the episode now it’s painfully obvious McDonald’s paid for several mentions and on screen use.

        • @ChexMax
          12 years ago

          Damn. It’s working on me again right now. I just asked my husband if we can get McFlurrys today.