• @[email protected]
    -58 months ago

    Yes just like my Grandfather fought in WWII in vain because fascism has returned to our world.

    Except the fact that evil can return doesn’t actually mean opposing evil is in vain.

    Also, you may be slightly not getting the point of Star Wars if you think that we’re supposed to believe Anakin is the chosen one and everyone is supposed to respect his greatness. Yes this is what Anakin believed of himself, but how did that go for him?

    Luke was meant to kill his evil father (or rule at his side), it was his destiny. Luke refused that destiny, how did that work out for him? Pretty good until the real evil Empire (the Disney Corporation) came along.

    Star Wars isn’t really about making prophecies come true. It’s about rejecting them and finding a better way.

    You’re a Star Wars fan, you’re meant to reject the fascist ideals of past greatness, not conform to them! Have a balanced take on Star Wars, not leave it in darkness!

    I know from your point of view JJ Abrams is evil, But only a Sith deals in absolutes.

    • @Nalivai
      18 months ago

      Counterpoint: several flashy videos on the Internet told me that space samurai wisard films are bad now because there is a mean woman there and no kinky costumes.