At a campaign rally Monday, Trump struggled to enunciate his view that drug dealers should get the death penalty. He initially failed to pronounce “smallest,” and then added, “We are an institute in a powerful death penalty. We will put this on.”

The comments echo some of Trump’s gaffes from late last year, including when he mixed up President Biden, former president Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on multiple occasions. (Trump insisted that he hadn’t really done so and that his comments were intentional.)

It’s easy to isolate a gaffe or two and read too much into it. The “death penalty” one could be Trump merely mangling what he’s reading on a teleprompter, for instance. But the fact that they’ve happened in quick succession as Trump emerges on a campaign trail he’s largely been able to avoid — he held few events in Iowa, in part due to weather and in part because his huge lead meant he didn’t need to — suggests there could be more to come.

  • Rentlar
    168 months ago

    Biden could be a blumbering idiot who stutters every other sentence for all i care. From each of Biden and Trump’s track records, I’ve seen that Biden and Harris actually relegate experts in each field to study how to most effectively govern in that area and appoint competent staff.

    On the flipside, Trump is very effective at making every goddamn thing about himself. Competency across the public service resigned and fled ship, and Republicans took this opportunity to appoint stooges to destroy the service they ran, such as Postmaster General DeJoy. The people in cabinet that answer to him were almost all yes-men, effectively babysitting Trump in the office, and he was out at the golf course 285 times over 4 years. The “Trump is more mentally fit” argument never made sense to me.