Was reminded of this pic of hillary in a normal person’s apartment.

  • @TrickDacy
    -38 months ago

    Thanks. I’m voting trump now because he cares about our planet ❤️

    • @Nudding
      -48 months ago

      Hahaha, vote your heart out big guy. No matter who wins there’s gonna be record oil production. Nothing short of a global socialist revolution can stop the climate apocalypse at this point. ❤️

      • @TrickDacy
        -18 months ago

        So then nothing can stop it… I want a more socialist world as much as the next Lemmy user, but we seem to be moving further from that if anything in much of the world. Writing comments on the Internet about how both sides are equally bad or how it doesn’t matter how we vote is absolutely adding to the problem and expediting fascism.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          Point me to a single country where voting in a imperialist, colonialist, Republic has ever stopped fascism. And I will tow your line for you. If not why not join the leftists that want to stop this before it gets worse, using logical methods that aren’t just hoping checking a box on a paper sent to said government is going to change things.

        • @Nudding
          -18 months ago

          So then nothing can stop it…

          Now you’re getting it, my friend.

          • @TrickDacy
            08 months ago

            So pouring gas on the fire makes you feel better then?

            • @Nudding
              28 months ago

              Criticizing the administrations shady actions is pouring gas on the fire? You okay buddy?

              The American gov’t is the bad guy here.

              • @TrickDacy
                -38 months ago

                You’re encouraging people not to vote which is certainly pouring gas on the fire, which I already explained. As if it weren’t obvious anyhow

                • @[email protected]
                  48 months ago

                  I’m encouraging people to see the USA government for what it is and stand up to it. Only 3% of the population historically has been needed

                • @Nudding
                  -18 months ago

                  Right. Keep voting for business as usual neoliberalism. Which means record oil extraction which means climate apocalypse. Good choice dude, you sure saved America 🙄.

                  Don’t y’all have guns and freedumb to stop tyranny or some bullshit?