• @partner0709
    298 months ago

    Yeap, nobody cares about men

    • @A_Random_Idiot
      528 months ago

      No one does.

      They tell you to open up and talk about your emotions, to be vulnerable and they leave you cause you’re weak, and spread rumors about your sexuality (because straight men arent supposed to have feelings) when you do.

      You ask for help, and you get ridiculed and called weak and told endless stories about how hard real victims/women have it.

      Anything you do except suffer in silence is unacceptable.

      And just by the gods make sure you don’t make your silent suffering to noticeable to impact others, because god damn then the ridicule and the “well ackshually”-ing about other peoples suffering will really start.

      • Dyskolos
        8 months ago

        You’re technically right. But the fundamental flaw in your logic is not obeying the #1 rule in everyone’s life (at least it should be) :

        Keep toxic people out of your life, no matter their sex. Women can be the same pieces of shit that men can be. The statistical quantification or prevalence by trend doesn’t matter. Keep. Them. Out. Period. Family, friend, coworkers, significant others? Whatever. OUT!

        And if you end up being totally lonely by this? Well. Still better being totally lonely than being under the foot of an arsehole just not to be lonely.

        There are awesome people out there. You just got to weed out a legion of sand before finding a pearl. Or two.

        Wisdoms of an old, misanthropic, eremitic fart.

        • @GhostFence
          28 months ago

          Rarely do I ever hear such sage wisdom, well said!

        • @A_Random_Idiot
          98 months ago

          Gonna have to find me a whole new intelligent species if you don’t want to be surrounded by a society that does this.

          • @[email protected]
            188 months ago

            You can’t fix the world, but you can at least influence who you personally interact with. Easier said than done, but any little incremental improvement still means today is better than yesterday.

            Hopefully the folks on here have been mostly good to you!

      • @maness300
        38 months ago

        Yeah, being a man hasn’t changed over the years.

        Those who succumb to feminist bullshit aren’t rewarded; they’re chastised.

        • @A_Random_Idiot
          8 months ago

          Has nothing to do with feminism.

          Its this toxic idea of stoicism, that men arent supposed to be anything but strong and not feel anything but anger, thats the problem.

          • @maness300
            08 months ago

            It actually has a lot to do with feminism.

            As soon as men start behaving like women, they start being less attractive to women.

            Women won’t tell you this, so you’ll have to figure it out yourself using your powers of observation.

      • Schadrach
        8 months ago

        There are shelters for men. You can find them for example here (this is for Canada): Men and Families Canada

        There’s a certain irony here, as Men and Families Canada was started by the Canadian Association For Equality (CAFE). CAFE who got their first real taste of gendered bullshit when they tried to do a series of talks on men’s issues at the University of Toronto c. 2012, starting with one about suicide in men. Angry feminist protests ensued.

        Ever seen the “Big Red” antifeminist meme? She’s a real person and she became a meme because of these protests, in which at one point she was basically shouting a Jezebel article at the crowd and calling anyone who tried to engage things like “fuckface”. She became the meme shorthand for “angry feminist” for a good while afterward as a consequence.

        EDIT: Gave the wrong year, I apologize. Corrected.

        • @Syrc
          18 months ago

          Well yeah, some feminists suck. That had little to do with their comment though.

          • Schadrach
            28 months ago

            Specifically that you have gone out of your way to defend feminism and express disdain for anyone that isn’t all on board with feminism or sees feminists as often being obstacles to dealing with men’s issues and then use the CCMF shelter as your first example of the services available. CCMF (and their parent org CAFE) who have been criticized, challenged, etc at basically every step until fairly recently and that nearly exclusively by those doing so under the banner of feminism.

            https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/controversial-mens-help-centre-opens-in-toronto-183022931.html https://globalnews.ca/news/1676642/controversial-centre-for-men-opens-in-toronto-amid-criticism/

            Those are regarding their men’s help center that predates the shelter.

            There’s a feminist blogger they quote in that second article with lines like: “I think they work really hard to discredit the feminist movement and to kind of take back a lot of the gains that women have made” and “They’re basically an anti-feminist organization and they’re kind of masquerading this as ‘oh well, it’s just for disenfranchised men’ when they kind of have an ulterior agenda.” Do those statements sound similar to things that have been said in this thread? Including I believe by you?

            Going further back their parent organization CAFE got it’s first taste of both trying to touch on men’s issues and also being protested by feminists when they tried to do a series of talks on men’s issues in 2012 at University of Toronto. Here’s a video of the first such talk, so you can see the kind of thing they were protesting (warning: this is the entire talk so it’s two and a half hours long): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6w1S8yrFz4

    • @Smoogs
      68 months ago

      Not even men?

      • @pete_the_cat
        178 months ago

        Yep, the shitty thing is that it’s generally other men that are the problem when it comes to “less manly” things like getting abused by a woman. Since every man is “supposed” to be tough you’re generally thought of as weak if you admit to something like this. I say this as another guy.

      • @partner0709
        -18 months ago

        Society ingeneral does not…

    • @GhostFence
      08 months ago

      That’s kind of a hyperbole, there are resources and advocates for men in Canada.