Somehow I don’t understand electricity generation with oil. I have a normal oil well and transport the oil to a refinery 8m higher. However, not enough oil arrives there, even though the oil pump has a delivery height of 10m.

I have now installed a pipeline pump at approx. 4m, with the result that the previous 0.6m³ in the pipeline became 0. If I remove this pump, the content of the pipeline suddenly increases to 27m³ and the refinery starts working. and yes, the pump was pointing in the right direction.

The next problem is the fuel generators. I have 4 in a tower on the lower floor working. The supply seems to be sufficient. I now have build another 4 generators on the floor above the first floor, these again don’t get any fuel, even though I have installed an mk2 pump directly at the bottom at the start of the riser pipe. The second floor is 8 walls higher above the first floor. This pump supposedly pumps up to 50m, but in the pump settings I only see a maximum height of 4m. Why?

I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. Where should I place the pipeline pumps? Should I use more refinerys? Or what’s the secret here?

  • sudo_suOP
    11 year ago

    In this case, shouldn’t the output per pipeline be 33% rather than 50%? After all, there are 3 outputs. Or is 50% on the “middle” pipeline and 50% on the two new ones together?