Is it just me or do poor neighborhoods of the US have a safer vibe now and the suburbs like a distinctly threatening vibe? I live in a poor neighborhood and these days being somewhere like this and seeing like a gangbanger-ish car roll down the street doesn’t make me nervous but a cop car definitely does kind of like how those same types of gangbanger-ish cars made me nervous when I was a middle class kid growing up in a nice neighborhood in the 2000s but police cars made me feel safe and protected. Like it’s all switched for me. A few days ago I stayed a few nights at my dad’s huge house in nice neighborhood and I was alone one night and felt extremely unsafe. I was so relieved to get back to my apartment alone in a poor neighborhood. Has anyone else had this experience of such a transition over the last twenty years or so?

  • @LemmyIsFantastic
    1 year ago

    Lololol how many people with 5m to their name don’t have healthcare? And how much do you think a hip replacement is? 5M in retirement is something like 14k per month before socal security. Nobody in that class is getting bankrupted by a 40k surgery.

    Healthcare in the US is dumb as fuck but the misunderstanding and uneducated repeating is dumb shit like this hurts my brain. There were 600k medical bankruptcies last year. 0. 0017% of the population.

    Your comment is mostly intellectually lazy made up dribble.

    • @SpaceNoodle
      31 year ago

      That’s not how percentages work. Do you work for Verizon?

      600k / 332M = 0.0018 = 0.18%

      • @LemmyIsFantastic
        -21 year ago

        I typoed the math. You got me.

        A fifth of a percent is huge!

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I also don’t think the average person willve saved up 5mil to retire on, in fact I don’t think the average person will be able to retire, period.

      The majority of bankruptcies are from medical expenses, from people WITH health insurance.

      If you think that that’s acceptable, then I question your morality.

      The whole point wasn’t in the actual numbers but feel free to use it to practice your algebra. Focusing on the numbers avoids the point completely, but I guess that is easier then root causes and structural problems to our capitalism/legal system.

      • @LemmyIsFantastic
        1 year ago

        And tell me where I said any of that is good? I said the comments made were made up, inaccurate, and didn’t represent the reality at all. Go look for some other boogeyman.

        I’m sorry I called you out for fake news.