Only months after Donald Trump Jr. floated Laura Loomer as a White House press secretary, Loomer used her platform on Rumble to launch into a half-hour long racist screed against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Somalians living in America, birthright citizenship, and Muslims. Loomer begun the show by referring to Rep. Omar as a “black dog” whose “district is literally Somalia,” and claimed that Omar’s constituents are "breeding like rabbits.”

    • @PoliticalAgitator
      8 months ago

      Their “IQ by race” schtick doesn’t even hold up to the most basic questioning, let alone actual science.

      They want to claim it’s okay to abuse and enslave black people because they’ve got a chart that says they have the lowest average IQ.

      But they seem to mysteriously lose all interest in the idea when you suggest removing race from it entirely and just testing individuals directly, shipping anyone below a threshold off to a concentration camp.

      Since it was their idea, it seems only fair that we start by testing the nazis and their closest friends and family.

      Deep down, they know their ranks would be decimated.

      • @yesman
        38 months ago

        IQ by “race” discredits IQ (and biological determinism)

        Ask: what is a ‘black person’ or a ‘white person’, and you’ll find social categories, not biological ones. So, the fact that IQ consistently finds differences between these groups proves that it’s not a measure of biological quantity.

        It’d be like IQ testing showed that blondes really were dimmer than their peers, but the effect held for bottle blondes as well.

        • @PoliticalAgitator
          -18 months ago

          I didn’t mean to imply those were the only problems with their racist bullshit, just that anybody should be able to see the deep flaws in it, even with no additional knowledge, long before they made it part of their abhorrent personality.

      • @CobblerScholar
        28 months ago

        More than decimated that means only reduced by a tenth, it’d be cut in half at least

    • @Zehzin
      98 months ago

      My god, this story just keeps getting better

      • DigitalTraveler42
        68 months ago

        They debunked her at every single attempt for her to double down on the “slashing” that was beautiful, she’s definitely an attention seeking fascist POS.

    • @agent_flounder
      8 months ago

      😳 I think that tire lived through Watergate. the civil rights era the space race.