Only months after Donald Trump Jr. floated Laura Loomer as a White House press secretary, Loomer used her platform on Rumble to launch into a half-hour long racist screed against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Somalians living in America, birthright citizenship, and Muslims. Loomer begun the show by referring to Rep. Omar as a “black dog” whose “district is literally Somalia,” and claimed that Omar’s constituents are "breeding like rabbits.”

  • Flying Squid
    1055 months ago

    and claimed that Omar’s constituents are “breeding like rabbits. I guess they’ve never heard of something called birth control.

    You mean the thing Republicans want to make illegal next?

    • @xc2215x
      275 months ago

      Yeah. The irony is huge there.

    • squiblet
      205 months ago

      Oh, that’s just for non-wealthy white people. The “low iq” people will get forcible sterilization.

      • @SPRUNT
        75 months ago

        Incorrect. The low-IQ people will be forced to breed (while being denied any form of support) so the factories have a limitless pool of workers to exploit.

        • squiblet
          45 months ago

          Yeah, but their racism one other bigotry plays a role, especially with the wannabe Nazis at hand. Forcible sterilization has been done before.

          Used as a means of controlling “undesirable” populations – immigrants, people of color, poor people, unmarried mothers, the disabled, the mentally ill – federally-funded sterilization programs took place in 32 states throughout the 20th century.

          Recently, too

          In early September [2020], a nurse working at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center in Georgia came forward […] claiming that numerous involuntary hysterectomies (uterus removal surgeries) were performed on detained immigrant women.

          Throughout the 20th century, nearly 70,0000 people (overwhelmingly working-class women of color) were sterilized in over 30 states. Black women, Latina women, and Native American women were specifically targeted. From the 1930s to the 1970s, nearly one-third of the women in Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, were coerced into sterilization when government officials claimed that Puerto Rico’s economy would benefit from a reduced population.

  • Ragdoll X
    395 months ago

    I also believe in IQ science.

    Specifically the science showing that conservatives have low IQs.

    • @PoliticalAgitator
      5 months ago

      Their “IQ by race” schtick doesn’t even hold up to the most basic questioning, let alone actual science.

      They want to claim it’s okay to abuse and enslave black people because they’ve got a chart that says they have the lowest average IQ.

      But they seem to mysteriously lose all interest in the idea when you suggest removing race from it entirely and just testing individuals directly, shipping anyone below a threshold off to a concentration camp.

      Since it was their idea, it seems only fair that we start by testing the nazis and their closest friends and family.

      Deep down, they know their ranks would be decimated.

      • @yesman
        45 months ago

        IQ by “race” discredits IQ (and biological determinism)

        Ask: what is a ‘black person’ or a ‘white person’, and you’ll find social categories, not biological ones. So, the fact that IQ consistently finds differences between these groups proves that it’s not a measure of biological quantity.

        It’d be like IQ testing showed that blondes really were dimmer than their peers, but the effect held for bottle blondes as well.

        • @PoliticalAgitator
          -15 months ago

          I didn’t mean to imply those were the only problems with their racist bullshit, just that anybody should be able to see the deep flaws in it, even with no additional knowledge, long before they made it part of their abhorrent personality.

      • @CobblerScholar
        25 months ago

        More than decimated that means only reduced by a tenth, it’d be cut in half at least

      • DigitalTraveler42
        65 months ago

        They debunked her at every single attempt for her to double down on the “slashing” that was beautiful, she’s definitely an attention seeking fascist POS.

    • @agent_flounder
      5 months ago

      😳 I think that tire lived through Watergate. the civil rights era the space race.

  • @[email protected]
    305 months ago

    I live in Omar’s district and I can tell you first hand, it’s possibly the most gentrified district in the state. If there’s anything wrong with the it, it’s us white people.

    • FuglyDuck
      5 months ago

      I drive through every day, there’s plenty of niche little places that are fun in the area. (Coming up cedar ave, for example.)

      Definitely white people ruining it. “Oh you have art and culture. That now belongs to us.”

      • squiblet
        105 months ago

        Hell yeah. I’ve been to some great shows at Triple Rock and then we’d go eat at the falafel place up the street.

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        Dr. Henry “Indiana” Jones: This belongs in a museum!

        Proceeds to fuck up the natives while “liberating” their literal god

  • @[email protected]
    155 months ago

    I read the summary and I thought that’s pretty vile. I read the whole article and feel like I need a shower.

  • @[email protected]
    135 months ago

    Woah woah woah I thought they were pro-life, so why is “breeding like rabbits” bad?

    Maybe the rabbits are the wrong color? That must be it.

    • Flying Squid
      195 months ago

      They can’t get any more brazen at this point without just using the N-word.

      Which I am amazed hasn’t happened yet to be honest.

      • @[email protected]
        105 months ago

        Because that’s the line that might actually lose them some supporters and they know it. There’s still a pretty big chunk of that camp that likes to pretend “oh, that was out of context” or “oh, they didn’t mean it that way, just about insert specific situation here”. If they go all in with straight up racial slurs those deflections don’t really work anymore.

        That being said, I wouldn’t put it past Trump to slip up on that soon because he’s been starting to get a bit unhinged even by his usual standard as of late.

        • Billiam
          185 months ago

          You remember that line from The Boys where Stormfront says

          People love what I have to say. They just hate the word “Nazi.” That’s all.

          Goddamn were they right about that one. It’s the same as when Alex Jones blames the “globalists” because he knows outright saying “the Jews” is bad.

          • Flying Squid
            75 months ago

            Many years ago, journalist Jon Ronson did a miniseries in the UK called Secret Rulers of the World. In one episode, he follows around David Icke as he talks about lizard people and asks Icke if he means Jews when he says lizard people and Icke won’t give him a straight answer. In another episode, he follows Alex Jones to Bohemian Gove. When he’s asked if Icke means Jews, Jones’ response was, “well there are Jews and then there are Jews.”

            Of course, only those of us in America who are Anglophilic enough to watch such things via sailing the high seas would have heard him say that, and it was long before he was at the level he is now.

            • Billiam
              25 months ago

              If you’ve never heard of it, there’s a podcast called Knowledge Fight that’s devoted to debunking Alex Jones. They even had Jon Ronson on late last year. It’s weird to me to see how prevalent pro-Israel antisemitism hypocrisy is in conspiracy circles, but I guess if they were rational they wouldn’t be conspiracy nuts in the first place.

        • Flying Squid
          55 months ago

          Exactly, I don’t mean outright intentionally (at first anyway). I’m amazed that Trump or Greene or Boebert… one of the nuts… hasn’t slipped up yet.

          • @[email protected]
            25 months ago

            Ah, fair. My bet is if it happens, it’ll be mid rant at one of Trumps little fascism pep rallies.

      • theprogressivist
        25 months ago

        Pretty sure they’re still scared shitless of getting punched in the mouth.

        • Flying Squid
          15 months ago

          That doesn’t mean they won’t slip up at some point. Especially Trump as his brain turns to Swiss cheese.

          • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
            05 months ago

            If Trump used a hard-R n-word at a rally his support among Republicans would increase, and they’d trot out Tim Scott to say how it’s not a big deal.

            • squiblet
              15 months ago

              No doubt, the people who would absolutely love it would outnumber the ones with any level of concern.

  • @moistclump
    85 months ago

    I thought jsut yesterday there was a headline “republican goes on wildly racist rant” but with different names. Hmmm. Hmmmmmmmm.

    • @not_again
      45 months ago

      Hey hey momma said the way you move, gonna make you shake, gonna make you groove.

  • @Treczoks
    65 months ago

    Of course they believe in it. They are doing everything to keep the IQ low, or they would lose their voter base.

  • @Boddhisatva
    55 months ago

    I’ll bet she also believes in astrology science too!

  • @CharlesDarwin
    45 months ago

    I find it very curious that some of the worst examples of a human tend to be convinced that they are part of a group of better people.

  • Jaysyn
    25 months ago

    Wasn’t the Omar thing mostly due to a mistranslation?