Season 1 episode 8 (IMDB), episode 9 (Paramount), or episode 11 (Memory Alpha). Anyway, we get a complete copy of Earth, the failed longevity experiment, bonk bonk, and Kirk wrenching a kid off a desktop. Beyond that, no explanation surrounding AN EXACT COPY OF EARTH! Zero, zip, zilch, nada.

Side query: What’s considered the “official” episode breakdown?

  • Lopen's Left Arm
    128 months ago

    If you’ve never seen TAS, you should check that out too, it gets even wilder with that stuff. There’s an episode that leaves a 50’ tall clone of Spock just kicking around the galaxy, and another episode where the crew meets actual Satan and he turns out to be a pretty nice guy.

    • @ummthatguyOP
      68 months ago

      Yeah, been meaning to delve into that, but have yet to acquire the hallucinogens necessary to do so.

      • Lopen's Left Arm
        68 months ago

        It’s worth watching through once, just to check that box. It’s definitely a product of its time, and as little animation budget as humanly possible