Norma Anderson, a trailblazing former GOP legislator, is among the Colorado voters who have challenged the Republican front-runner’s candidacy in a case that will be heard by the Supreme Court

  • @[email protected]OP
    151 year ago

    I’d rather reinforce them when they do the right thing; it helps to shift the range of what’s allowed on the right. Republicans are really good at love-bombing people who adopt one of their policy positions. We ought to think about the same.

      • @[email protected]OP
        141 year ago

        I don’t doubt that she’s terrible on a host of other issues; as I said, I likely disagree with her on almost every policy.

        But praise when people start to move out of that mindset is part of how you detach people from it.

      • RedFox
        -11 year ago

        You know, not every American Republican is a Nazi are they?

        Would you want everyone to make the worst assumption about you based on one characteristic?

        I don’t like a lot of things about all the American parties.

        It’s like listening to mass media, everyone is a fascist, Nazi, communist, etc.

        • Flying Squid
          101 year ago

          As the saying goes, “if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you’ve got a table with 11 Nazis.”

          • RedFox
            1 year ago

            What about those of us who dislike both parties, but agree with select things from each?

            Like being moderate, center, mild, or a republicrat?

            There’s no party that represents me. Only two groups of people whose ideas I mostly dislike, or that lack the compromise I feel would be necessary to do good.

            I still don’t think every Republican is evil, same for liberals, or progressive, or Democrats.

            If everyone but your group is evil, you’ll never get anywhere until you kill all the others. Sounds like Nazis to me?

            • Flying Squid
              01 year ago

              What Republican things do you agree with?

              The election was a fraud?

              Corporations are people?

              Climate change is a myth?

              Women are lesser than men?

              Slavery had benefits?

              The rich deserve tax cuts?

              Trans people need to be oppressed as do other LGBT+ people?

              Foreigners are bad, especially the brown ones?

              Private healthcare is the best form of healthcare?

              The poor deserve to be?

              Police are always to be respected no matter what (unless it’s January 6th)?

              Russia is a good ally?

              The elderly don’t need a break?

              Hunter Biden’s existence is proof that Joe Biden needs to be impeached?

              We cannot allow the Democrats to give us what we want in an election year?

              Seriously, what?

              • RedFox
                1 year ago

                I’ll play.

                What Republican things do you agree with? The election was a fraud?

                Ha, right. Probably not. Didn’t seem like any real evidence showed up. I compare this to the assertion that the U.S. government hid aliens from the world for the last ~70 years. That would be the only thing it ever did that well. So I’m in doubt the ‘conspiracy’ could even pull that off. In my opinion, those die hard trumper nuts are not representative of the majority of that whole party, but I can’t point to data, just my experience with other people near me.

                Corporations are people?

                If they are, they’re the greedy fat cat kind of people I don’t like. I don’t know anyone in the top tier of society like that. I would like to see legal protections from executives and corporations reduced, and more personal liability of corporate leaders. I’m not really sure if that’s counter to their entire parties views. If corporate abuses could be better broken down and displayed for people, maybe more rightish people would center on the topic?

                Climate change is a myth?

                I only know people who disagree with the degree of how bad things are, I don’t know any out right deniers. Again, I don’t have a feel for an entire nationwide collection of people on that one.

                Women are lesser than men?

                How and why? I’ve never heard anyone actually put this into practice or policy. If you’re blending with this abortion rights, then you have people who disagree on two different principles ( a person’s choice vs people’s believe in human life). I don’t believe in taking away people’s rights, but I also don’t like killing babies (insert giant argument about when is a person a person, blah). If I can’t have my God given right to drive drunk because it’s dangerous for other people, then I also don’t like abortion unless there’s more reasons. This is way too complicated of a topic for a text conversation, but I think it’s a main one for people thinking women don’t get the right to make medical decisions about themselves. What else is there?

                Slavery had benefits?

                Again, who and why? I’ve never heard anyone actually say this. I don’t think the vast majority of rightish people would ever think that. I’ve never met any.

                The rich deserve tax cuts?

                I wouldn’t frame it like that. Excluding the mega wealthy and whatever that might mean to some, I get the impression most people just don’t want to be overly taxed. Again, that’s subjective, but highest tax bracket is 37% I think. That’s a lot in my opinion. “But they have so much money, it won’t affect their lives”. Yep, I agree. I just don’t think people want to be picked on if they feel they earned it. Did they, I don’t know, maybe?

                I’d be curious how many right voters earn more than 100K, because I don’t think they would say they want tax cuts for ‘rich’ people. I don’t have data on this. I’m curious.

                Trans people need to be oppressed as do other LGBT+ people?

                Yeah, that one’s tough. Most of the conservative people I’ve heard in real life (not the villains on TV) range from indifferent to disapproving. They don’t understand why all the noise and want people to be quiet and go away. One person’s freedom fighter is another’s terrorist on this one. I wouldn’t support policies that limit medical care, ownership, etc based on relationship status. I very much believe most conversative or rightish people that have harsh opinions of the trans issue have never met or had a real relationship with someone who struggled with identify, medal health, etc.

                Ultimately, I might agree on this one that there’s probably a large portion of people who identify as some kind of right don’t have a lot of compassion for the letter communities.

                Foreigners are bad, especially the brown ones?

                That sounds like trump and bigots. Not sure about the whole. I can suggest a few ways to break that up though. There’s a serious issue with immigration policy/system. Whether it’s easy or hard is about the constraints we (government) put on it. I think rightish people want less imitation, sure. I am law and order supportive though. The border thing for some people is way more about groups of people intentionally not enforcing laws, picking an choosing. No one likes that, unless it suites them of course. It doesn’t suite the right in this case, so they don’t like it. I don’t like it. I support immigration though. My great grandparents…etc. We need politicians elected that will compromise and change the legislation. I believe we also need border security, but it’s not because I dislike ‘brown’ people.

                If brown means middle-eastern, yeah, there’s some phobia there. After a few extremist things, people gonna hate, rational or not. Not rational. I wonder how opinions of middle easterner goes across all the political aspects.

                Private healthcare is the best form of healthcare?

                Says people who have it. I’d like to see data on how many people per political party have health insurance. I’d guess people who never went without health care can’t imagine/relate.

                I feel like right party people more align with open/free market ideas and believe that’s true.

                The poor deserve to be?

                Close, but no. I think that’s flipping it again. I’m guessing there’s a lower percentage of unemployed people claiming the right, based on 3 seconds of an LLM search. I assume people who’ve worked most of their lives and didn’t struggle with some kind of mental health issues or other complicating factors that kept from them decent employment don’t have compassion for people who have. They probably assume if you aren’t working and earning a living, you’re maybe lazy or made poor choices. I can see how you’d say that means they think poor people deserve it. I’m guessing they think everyone has a fair chance to succeed and just aren’t. That’s not the same as wanting people to stay gutter trash.

                Police are always to be respected no matter what (unless it’s January 6th)?

                How many people stored the capital? I’ve seen numbers on sites ranging from 20K to 120K. I don’t know how many of them committed violence against law enforcement. one figure said there were 38 million registered republicans. I have no idea if that’s even close, doesn’t really matter if you compare that against 120K. I don’t think the vast majority of republicans would have participated or condoned that. Those people in my opinion were extremists and trump worshipers. Cult people do crazy things. That’s not the entire political party in my opinion.

                Russia is a good ally?

                Is that the whole party or Trump?

                The elderly don’t need a break?

                They’ve already gotten a break, like that hip. This seems overly generalized. Be more specific.

                Hunter Biden’s existence is proof that Joe Biden needs to be impeached?

                Same as the Dem party went after all of trumps associates. In both cases, I think they’re (the people targeted by an opposing political party) shady at best, and corrupt mega criminals that should all be in prison at worst (best). I’d say that about a lots of politicians on both sides though. The republicans had a grand ol time trying to impeach Clinton. The Dems tried to Impeach Trump. Should yhey both have been impeached? Probably? Was it a huge political special and witch hunt, oh yeah. Both embarrassing for the nation and indicative of electing morally bankrupt or hypocrites, probably.

                We cannot allow the Democrats to give us what we want in an election year?

                I’m not sure what this means.

                Personally, I think a huge portion of the problem is a lack of choice. This two party system is broken. Insert huge discussion about that here, and move on. So I think that leaves a huge portion of people in the middle, trying to chose between two groups of people who seems to have the loudest and most extreme members fighting for the most leadership in the group.

                I fact that trump is becoming the leading right extremist blows my mind, and I think it’s the movie ideocracy, but in real life. Maybe the other candidates were shitty, but come on. Ultimately, I don’t know how many true trumpers there are, versus people who would vote for someone else. I guess if he wins the primary, then points/half?

                Maybe the other more sane half would go with a viable third or fourth group?

                Maybe outlaw groups/parties and just have candidates?

                “Believing that all those who oppose us are inherently evil leads to a deadlock since you can’t compromise with evil. It is only through understanding, compromise, and mutual respect that we can move forward and get things done.” - an LLM

                For the downvoters, maybe time the time to write something instead of just doing a drive by. Say why you disagree since this is not a low effort comment.

                • Flying Squid
                  01 year ago

                  Sure sounds to me like you either don’t agree with their platform or don’t understand the points on it.

                  So why do you vote for them?

                  • RedFox
                    1 year ago

                    You didn’t answer some of my questions asking for more clarification on some of those issues. I’m curious.

                    Most of that I have to Google/lookup. Im around a ton of highly conservative or Republican claiming people, but I don’t hear some of what you’re talking about.

                    I also don’t spend any time with actual politicians to know what they believe versus when they fall in line with party bs.

                    I wonder what removing funding from the political system would achieve. No more superpacs?

                  • RedFox
                    11 year ago

                    I don’t, not all of them. Unlike some, I don’t push a D/R button. I cherry pick. If both candidates suck, I pass. Does it help or matter, no. My state votes red.

                    I won’t personally push the button for someone I think is a piece of crap.

                    But, the point I was making is there’s a range of politicians in these parties. Some chose a party affiliation out of necessity and funding, others are extremely polarized. I think there’s both participants on both sides.

                    I think people vote for one of these two groups again out of a lack of choice.

                    I don’t think all people who claim Republican are Nazis, fascists, etc. especially when you compare that’s to historical instances of the past.

                    I also don’t think all Democrats are communists, extremists etc, same.

                    I find most people want the same things, love, safety, material shit, etc. they differ widely on their greed levels, placing blame for their own problems or other people’s issues, etc.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            5 Jews, 3 blacks, 2 former klansmen, and a Nazi sitting at a table is an “intervention”, not a table with 11 Nazis.

            The idea that a Nazi infects everyone he comes into contact with and is utterly irredeemable is horseshit. The only way he stays a Nazi is if he never associates with anyone but Nazis. Your “11 Nazis” adage promotes isolating him among other Nazis, ensuring he is never exposed to any other philosophy.

            • Flying Squid
              71 year ago

              Is that who you think the Republican Party is made up of?

              • @[email protected]
                -11 year ago

                I think that a table with 10 people of diverse religious, genetic, and philosophical backgrounds, plus 1 Republican is not a table of 11 Republicans.

                • Flying Squid
                  81 year ago

                  Okay, but this is a Republican who votes for other Republicans. So that doesn’t sound especially diverse in terms of religion, genetics or philosophy.

                  • RedFox
                    1 year ago

                    I have voted for republicans, and Democrats. Am I a nazi?

                    I like @[email protected] analogy. That group is made up of a ton of different people, and I don’t think they would all personally support each and every questionable BS policy proposed by the party. But we don’t get that level of choice. Maybe if there was more groups/parties, or none at all, they would vote a different way. Maybe they aren’t so much voting for things, but voting against something else.

                    I know people who won’t vote for a party over one issue, otherwise they would consider it.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -41 year ago

                    This is a Republican who is suing to kick Donald Trump off the ballot. Right now, that’s good enough for me.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          I know what Republicans stand for. You can’t blame “the media” for that. Well, you can, but you’d be fool to blame anyone but Republicans themselves.