Edit: Sean Ferrick… if you see this just know that while I am a massive dick and a terrible person I will love you forever please marry me

  • sgibson5150
    21 year ago

    STD lost me early on, but I liked Stamets and Tilly, and Lorca was interesting. I wish they’d’ve introduced it as new IP rather than calling it a Trek show, but eh. Different strokes. I got my SNW and I’m happy.

    • StametsOPM
      1 year ago

      It’s DSC, not STD. Please stick to the naming structure of the shows over the years and either go with DSC (as shown in the show) or DIS. It makes absolutely no sense to call it STD.

        • StametsOPM
          21 year ago

          It’s just frustrating considering how often that ‘acronym’ is thrown at Discovery as an outright insult. It also just does not make any sense when looked at from any other acronym naming scheme.