• @EdibleFriend
    108 months ago

    This is the first I’ve heard about it is this meme. I’m sure there are articles someplace but… The news is absolutely nothing compared to the fact that Taylor Swift had AI porn put on Twitter.

    • @surewhynotlem
      58 months ago

      Yeah, but it’s Taylor Swift. She sneezed twice on Tuesday and there were articles. She’s bigger than white Jesus.

      • @EdibleFriend
        18 months ago

        The point still stands. Any time a man is leaked its barely covered. Women are front page news. Who was the webpage that did an article about how horrible you are for looking for Jennifer Lawrence leaked pics then when a man got leaked they said Christmas came early? I can’t find it because I can’t remember who the man was. Would probably help me google that. I’m sure someone will know what I’m talking about.

        There is no way anybody can claim its treated equally lol.

        • @surewhynotlem
          08 months ago

          Then treat it equally. Share the news when you see it. Make some noise.

          Media cares about things because it generates clicks. If your issue is that it doesn’t generate enough clicks, and therefore doesn’t get enough coverage, then your issue is with society. You can work to change that by publicizing all such molestations equally. Be the change, and all that jazz.

          • @EdibleFriend
            28 months ago

            lol thats what im doing right now. im making noise because I LEARNED ABOUT THIS FROM A DAMN MEME

            • @surewhynotlem
              08 months ago

              Yeah, but you’re making noise by saying it sucks women are covered more. You don’t need to push one side down to lift the other end up. It’s not a seesaw.

              • @EdibleFriend
                8 months ago

                I never said anything close to that. Yes I’m saying it sucks women get more coverage then men, but nothing I said came even close to implying we need we need to push women down. Not a single word came close to that. I am not even sure how you got there? I am saying men need equal coverage. Simple as that.

                This, this right here is a whole other can of worms. You cant ever approach a issue where men get the short end of the stick without someone coming along and crying that you are trying to drag women down. Why does it have to be like this? Why do people get defensive like that?

                • @surewhynotlem
                  -18 months ago

                  There’s an old saying. Never look at someone else’s bowl, except to see if they have enough food.

                  You don’t even need to mention women in this. That’s my point. Even bringing them into the picture riles up the jimmies of all the incels out there, and gives them something to cling to and justify hatred of women.

                  • @EdibleFriend
                    28 months ago

                    … I didn’t bring women into this at all? I didn’t make the original post. This is a meme about Taylor Swift getting publicity when Drake barely got any and I commented on that subject. It’s literally the discussion that I came into and started commenting on and now you’re saying that, because I commented on this discussion that already existed, I’m trying to bring down women.

                    But at the same time… You really can’t discuss inequality… Without pointing out the inequality. When a woman discusses things like wage gap do you chastise her for comparing her wage to men? Do you say she should have never tried to talk about men at all?

                    Again… Nobody is trying to make this a competition about who has it worse, and nobody is trying to tear one ‘side’ down to bring the other side up. You, and you alone, are the one trying to turn this into something like that.

                    I just wanted to discuss inequality and you tried to make me a villain for that.

                  • @papalonian
                    18 months ago

                    Next time you see a black person complaining about racism in the US, make sure to tell em not to even look at what white folks have, don’t even mention them, it riles up the jimmies of the white supremacists