Absolutely disgusting behaviour from an official Samsung technician who swipes a exacto knife on a customers TV to void his warrenty.

I woke up from a nap, watch the first minute of this and said to myself. Damn, Louis Rossmann needs to see this, then the chad appeared on the screen like a genie

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    Went through warranty replacement for a TV and was simply asked to write “void” and a big X on the warranty sticker. Even had the option to give the almost perfectly fine TV away (I did to someone who greatly benefited from it)

    • @Buffalox
      91 year ago

      Lucky you, the guy in the video was NOT that lucky. His TV was vandalized by the Samsung repairman to void warranty, after which the repair guy closed the ticket, leaving the customer with a vandalized TV on top of the original flaw.