European carrier Finnair is now weighing passengers at the gate before they board the plane as a way to estimate how much the jet will weigh at takeoff. But it's not mandatory.
No, America fat. Highest average daily caloric intake in the world, only second to Ireland. Nearly 12% of the population has diabetes. Heart disease runs rampant. It’s a problem, and the denial is such a disservice, as well as the push for “size acceptance” and accomodation. The general normalization of obesity in America is astonishing.
It’s tricky, right? It’s hard as hell not to eat when you’re hungry, but if you’re objectively bigger and harder to move it’s a lot to ask of everyone else to pay the difference.
I don’t really buy that it’s hate just to point out that a bariatric person is different, and in a usually-bad way. On the other hand, there’s a ~100% chance some of the people that used to be on r/fatpeoplehate are now very fat.
Americans will call this a hate crime.
Excuse me sir but you’re above the weight limit … you may either pay an adjusted fee … or we amputate two limbs
American rubbing his chin: …mmmmmm … I don’t know … hmmmm?
How much extra do they charge for the amputations?
I mean Finland has universal healthcare right? Probably cheaper to go for the amputations, if so.
Only costs you an arm and a leg.
Or I was thinking about if it was in America
What, a FREE AMPUTATION!?!? That’d be seven digits normally!
six digits if you have shitty health insurance … five digits if we get a really good vet … four digits if we do it right here
Free and instant weight loss, can’t complain.
The article says it’s voluntary
Rent free, baby😎
It’d be uncivilized to charge rent, when their insulin costs so much.
Murica bad.
No, America fat. Highest average daily caloric intake in the world, only second to Ireland. Nearly 12% of the population has diabetes. Heart disease runs rampant. It’s a problem, and the denial is such a disservice, as well as the push for “size acceptance” and accomodation. The general normalization of obesity in America is astonishing.
Excuse me, I stand corrected.
Murica v. bad, Ireland worse.
This is the ramblings of a terminally online, never left their own country and maybe not even the city of their birth smooth brain genius.
I am terminally online, but I do travel quite a bit. I recommend it, it puts things into perspective. America fat as hell.
American here. 100% agree. We do be fat. Also, travel more is good advice
It’s tricky, right? It’s hard as hell not to eat when you’re hungry, but if you’re objectively bigger and harder to move it’s a lot to ask of everyone else to pay the difference.
I don’t really buy that it’s hate just to point out that a bariatric person is different, and in a usually-bad way. On the other hand, there’s a ~100% chance some of the people that used to be on r/fatpeoplehate are now very fat.