• @[email protected]
    138 months ago

    There’s many extreme things people do, and usually they’re not healthy. I’m willing to bet most extreme sports are way more dangerous than controlled stretching of your rear entrance - and you do them both for exact same reason: pleasure

      • thepixelfox
        108 months ago

        Nowhere in your link didn’t it mention sex toys cause a rectal prolapse. So maybe link something appropriate.

        Also, people generally don’t start straight up shoving huge sex toys into their orifices. It’s built up and if it’s a problem then they stop.

        Personally, I don’t want anything that big near me. But if others want to, it their bodies, they’re free to do whatever they want.

        The air we breathe causes our cells to degrade which results in aging and death.
        Smoking is bad for you.
        Junk food.
        Skydiving could kill you.
        But it’s not our place to police what people do with their own bodies. If they want to snort coke off a hookers ass, then that’s their choice.
        If someone wants a giant dick in their ass or vag, that’s also their choice. If they cause issues for their own bodies, they’re the ones making the choice knowing any risks. It does affect you, so why are you all up in people’s business that doesn’t affect you?

        Stop trying to police people’s bodies and what they do with them.

        • @[email protected]
          -118 months ago

          stop conflating speaking about things as “policing” them…

          and the rest of your argument is false equivalencies… like when the heroin addict tries to argue that caffeine is a drug so it’s the same thing if i drink coffee every morning.

          oh and my link providing the definition of Rectal Prolapse was not an attempt to explain the biology of it to anyone; it was underlining a point.

          i.e. the unhealthy part is Rectal Prolapses… as well as Anal Fissures…

          if you doubt me or are intrigued to learn more, go right ahead. i’m not going to write an essay for you, ese

      • @[email protected]
        88 months ago

        That’s pretty weak argument. Extreme sports professionals also do it for work, they need to get up from their beds and ride bike or climb even on those mornings they really wouldn’t want to.

        But they’ve chosen to do so.

        Someone else filming their unconventional porn for onlyfans also chooses to do that unconventional thing. There would be 100 easier ways to get paid yet they choose the extreme

        • @[email protected]
          -118 months ago

          it’s exploitation…

          i don’t think that bare knuckle boxing is an ethical thing to support either, even if people sign up for it “willingly”

          • @[email protected]
            88 months ago

            It’s no exploitation any more than any other “voluntary” labor. Sex work is is work as any other, there’s people who love to do it and there’s those who do not. But you shouldn’t belittle someone else’s choice because you don’t like it

            • @testfactor
              38 months ago

              Surely there’s a limit though, right? Like, you’re not a proponent of bum fights are you? Just because someone is agreeing to do something for money doesn’t make it inherently ethical.

              • @[email protected]
                08 months ago

                Surely there’s a limit though, right? Like, you’re not a proponent of bum fights are you?

                You mean MMA? If it’s well regulated to deal with potential issues with human rights, safety of competitors and viewers and whatnot.

                I don’t think it’s unethical for the competitors, basically ever. For people viewing, paying, betting it may be.

          • Ignotum
            18 months ago

            Bare knuckle boxing is actually less harmful that boxing with gloves, you can’t hit as hard so you’re less likely to cause more serious long-term injuries like brain damage

            • @[email protected]
              -38 months ago

              actually you heard that on joe rogan right?
              bare knuckle boxers used to get their eyes knocked out of their sockets…
              gloves are better but i also think boxing with gloves is brutal, primitive, exploitative, and immoral…
              p.s. why do you think most professional boxers are minorities?

              • Ignotum
                8 months ago

                Haven’t ever listened to Joe Rogan, never have and never will

                I cannot find a single article mentioning anything like “eye knocked out of their sockets”, but even if that has happened in not saying serious injuries don’t happen, they’re just not as common as in gloved boxing

              • @OGrumpyKitten
                18 months ago

                Lol what a wanker, have you ever put yourself through any sort of discomfort? People like doing things that aren’t healthy, get over it, have a beer, eat a pizza and jump out the window, you will see that some of it is fun, and that throughout you will remain undisturbed because noone gives a fuck. Maybe you should also give less fucks

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                p.s. why do you think most professional boxers are minorities

                I guess you mean in USA? Probably because boxing is more popular sport in low income families on big cities, and in USA that includes proportially large amount of black people because of reasons… This is purely a guess based on Hollywood knowledge, so I might be very wrong.

                Looking through the wikipedia list of current world champions, it’s not in any way dominated by “minorities” as in people with heritage from country other than for which country they’re competing.

                • @[email protected]
                  08 months ago

                  you’re so close… the point being:
                  poorer people will do things for money, like destroy their own body… just because they “choose” that from a very limited set if choices doesn’t mean that was freely chosen

                  • @OGrumpyKitten
                    18 months ago

                    And yet you’re so far off the mark it’s amazing, it could be argued that only the privileged can afford to not work, hence all work is inherently abusive and noone can be trusted to accept fair exchanges because the fact that you where offered something in exchange for something else inherently means you are abusing the person doing you a service… Is asking the icecream guy to give you a cone abuse because of the risk of frostbite?

      • DarkThoughts
        08 months ago

        If you think someone who calls themselves “freakslut”, that buys, uses and enjoys stuff like this, is being forced by some paying simps to actually do this, then I have some news for you. lol

        What you’re doing is basically slut & kink shaming right now, and generally being a sexist asshole.

        • @[email protected]
          08 months ago

          you’re right… it’s very sexism to not want women to destroy their bodies for simp entertainment…
          i am such sexism…
          oh no! i believe this because you wrote some stupid troll shit