• Dr. Wesker
    378 months ago

    Here I am, barely able to make room for a turd in my ass.

    • Victor
      118 months ago

      Try more fiber, break that shit up

      • @SeabassDan
        118 months ago

        Poop knife, or scissors for safety.

          • @mojofrododojo
            8 months ago

            protip: with creative preparation and carpentry it’s possible to install a sink’s disposal in your tub drain. No more waffle stomping, just don’t stick anything you want to keep into it.

        • @RealFknNito
          28 months ago

          “You’re focusing on the wrong thing, the wooden spoon is for pasta again!”

  • @FinishingDutch
    268 months ago

    When you reach that point where you get sexually aroused by a traffic cone, it’s time to step back and evaluate some of your life choices.

    • @[email protected]
      408 months ago

      When you reach that point where you feel the need to berate others on their preferences its time to shut the fuck up.

      • @[email protected]
        88 months ago

        some “preferences” are objectively very unhealthy twistings of reality…
        things like, distended internal organs…
        or, eating feces…
        but, im pretty sure you’re way too defensive on this one

          • @[email protected]
            -218 months ago

            and yet, you get all bent out of shape when people are writing comments NOT TO YOU:

            When you reach that point where you feel the need to berate others on their preferences its time to shut the fuck up.

            or how about: if you’re obsessed with the encouraging women to destroy their bodies for some weird anime fantasy, you’re affecting more than yourself… misogynistic, sexist pig

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              Telling women what they’re allowed or not to do with their bodoes is the very much misogynistic. Crawl back to your cave asshole

              • @[email protected]
                -88 months ago

                this just in: all doctors who give opinions about what actions are specifically extremely destructive are… misogynists trying to control them!!

                im worried about injuries, not controlling people… nimrod

                • @[email protected]
                  8 months ago

                  I have not invested in this hobby nor received medical advice related to it. I’ve also not read any papers related to it, but I trust the people exercising this sport to proceed with necessary caution. It’s rather big deal nowadays with lot of commercial toys available, so I asseume there’s material to read how to do it relatively safely.

                  I’ve done other extreme sports for large part of my life, and can tell you that people in these sports (especially professionals like in the OP) are very aware of the risks associated.
                  You don’t need to tell me I’m risking breaking my neck when flipping, I know it already, you don’t need to tell me about how my hobby or profession may be dangerous, I’m well aware.

            • @[email protected]
              58 months ago

              Oh, bet you are one of the actually not “nice guys”

              Im encouraging women to do whatever the fuck they want and if you dont get that you can kindly fuck of.

              Also the ratio is clear on this

              • @[email protected]
                -98 months ago

                ah, so you pay women to destructively gap their anus… eventually leaving them incontinent… like, with lifelong disabilities…
                because you’re about women’s liberation

                wow, you’re such a nice guy!

                • @[email protected]
                  8 months ago

                  Just oof. It shows you know

                  Nobody is stopping you from being a gaping asshole here, why should anyone stop women and why only women? Glaring misogynist

        • @[email protected]
          138 months ago

          There’s many extreme things people do, and usually they’re not healthy. I’m willing to bet most extreme sports are way more dangerous than controlled stretching of your rear entrance - and you do them both for exact same reason: pleasure

            • thepixelfox
              108 months ago

              Nowhere in your link didn’t it mention sex toys cause a rectal prolapse. So maybe link something appropriate.

              Also, people generally don’t start straight up shoving huge sex toys into their orifices. It’s built up and if it’s a problem then they stop.

              Personally, I don’t want anything that big near me. But if others want to, it their bodies, they’re free to do whatever they want.

              The air we breathe causes our cells to degrade which results in aging and death.
              Smoking is bad for you.
              Junk food.
              Skydiving could kill you.
              But it’s not our place to police what people do with their own bodies. If they want to snort coke off a hookers ass, then that’s their choice.
              If someone wants a giant dick in their ass or vag, that’s also their choice. If they cause issues for their own bodies, they’re the ones making the choice knowing any risks. It does affect you, so why are you all up in people’s business that doesn’t affect you?

              Stop trying to police people’s bodies and what they do with them.

              • @[email protected]
                -118 months ago

                stop conflating speaking about things as “policing” them…

                and the rest of your argument is false equivalencies… like when the heroin addict tries to argue that caffeine is a drug so it’s the same thing if i drink coffee every morning.

                oh and my link providing the definition of Rectal Prolapse was not an attempt to explain the biology of it to anyone; it was underlining a point.

                i.e. the unhealthy part is Rectal Prolapses… as well as Anal Fissures…

                if you doubt me or are intrigued to learn more, go right ahead. i’m not going to write an essay for you, ese

            • @[email protected]
              88 months ago

              That’s pretty weak argument. Extreme sports professionals also do it for work, they need to get up from their beds and ride bike or climb even on those mornings they really wouldn’t want to.

              But they’ve chosen to do so.

              Someone else filming their unconventional porn for onlyfans also chooses to do that unconventional thing. There would be 100 easier ways to get paid yet they choose the extreme

              • @[email protected]
                -118 months ago

                it’s exploitation…

                i don’t think that bare knuckle boxing is an ethical thing to support either, even if people sign up for it “willingly”

                • @[email protected]
                  88 months ago

                  It’s no exploitation any more than any other “voluntary” labor. Sex work is is work as any other, there’s people who love to do it and there’s those who do not. But you shouldn’t belittle someone else’s choice because you don’t like it

                • Ignotum
                  18 months ago

                  Bare knuckle boxing is actually less harmful that boxing with gloves, you can’t hit as hard so you’re less likely to cause more serious long-term injuries like brain damage

            • DarkThoughts
              08 months ago

              If you think someone who calls themselves “freakslut”, that buys, uses and enjoys stuff like this, is being forced by some paying simps to actually do this, then I have some news for you. lol

              What you’re doing is basically slut & kink shaming right now, and generally being a sexist asshole.

              • @[email protected]
                08 months ago

                you’re right… it’s very sexism to not want women to destroy their bodies for simp entertainment…
                i am such sexism…
                oh no! i believe this because you wrote some stupid troll shit

      • lad
        48 months ago

        I wouldn’t go so far to call it ‘berating’, it seemed more like mockery. I saw it in the same sense as if someone told me ‘mistakes were made’ after I stayed up till sunrise.

        Otoh, I’m not the target of that mockery, so I’m not the one to judge

  • @psycho_driver
    218 months ago

    Imagine the disappointment of having this girl ask you back to her place at the club then walking in and seeing this monster holding up one corner of her coffee table.

  • @dfc09
    168 months ago

    Can somebody seriously fit that entire thing inside them? That seems like it would cause internal organ damage to genuinely fit it all in :/

  • @SeabassDan
    108 months ago

    “Nah, baby, yours is perfect, the tight ones give me claustrophobia”

    • @RubberElectrons
      118 months ago

      Have you had sex with women who experiment with their bodies?? I mean really, the muscle control is incredible.

      As a crude analog, why do humans dig being with yoga instructors of either sex?

  • DarkThoughts
    28 months ago

    Everyone talks about anal but the caption implies oral insertion. So now I wanna see her deep throat that thing to the bottom. (Yes, I know the original message is unrelated to that and almost certainly about anal…)