• Does the thing they have to attack get destroyed along with the building? Because that was what made it so not fun on BC2. At least it was just the one map, from what I remember. The last 2 MCOM sites could be capped simply by blowing up the houses they were in so as a defender if you lost to that point, you pretty much lost the game. It would have been fine if they still had to actually get on the thing and defuse/blow it up because without the house, they have no cover.

    • @TheSambassador
      28 months ago

      Nope, the cashbox is indestructible. It can be kinda moved a little by explosions, but not too much.

      To steal, someone has to run up to the cashbox and hold a button for about 7 or 8 seconds. It plays a loud alarm sound so it’s fairly easy to stop if you’re nearby, but also since two teams are attacking at once, sometimes you can pull off a steal in the chaos.