This is Feezal, Dr. Pholx’s wife (one of them) when she is hitting on Charles “Trip” Tucker III.

  • @I_Fart_Glitter
    28 months ago

    Maybe you could help me? When I use ScreenToGif (on windows if that matters) they come out huge and with a play button and progress bar, like this. Do you know what I’m doing wrong or how to fix it?

    • PlasmaDistortionOP
      8 months ago

      It’s hard to say. When I record them I generally record at about 1200x700 with 144 DPI. Then when I save I save as Gif using the Neural Network setting. I leave most of the settings as default but sometimes I remove duplicate frames to help reduce the size.

      EDIT: What resolution is your source video file? I know my Voyager episodes are 480p which is not ideal That will have a huge impact on the quality of the gifs. You also want to upload to a place like Imgur that allows larger gif sizes.

      • @I_Fart_Glitter
        18 months ago

        Hmm. I don’t see where to set the DPI. I also used the Neural Network setting and the defaults. I tried uploading to Imgur instead of to my computer and straight to Lemmy, no change. I don’t have a way to host videos, and the only platform that doesn’t black out video recordings is youtube, so that’s where I’ve been sourcing, it’s 240p. I wonder if it’s that I’m on I see you’re on, I don’t know if that would make a difference.

        Oh, well, thanks for the tips, I’ll keep trying!