• Jaysyn
    1007 months ago

    That they didn’t just deny this outright is concerning.

    • @cogman
      7 months ago

      I don’t think there’s a snowball’s chance in hell they’ll rule in favor of DJ. That said, they MIGHT end up taking up the case which will delay things till June. The ONLY reason they’ll take up this case is as a favor to DJT.

      That said, the appeals court basically gave trump 1 day to appeal somewhere and the SC is giving smith 1 week to answer. There’s still a pretty good chance that after smith’s response they’ll deny cert. That being said, it’s beyond ridiculous that they are humoring this clown and his lawyers. The ONLY reason for that is the court is captured by rightwing extremists.

      All that said, trump is basically betting everything on winning this election and pardoning himself for everything. He’s uber fucked if it doesn’t go that way.

      • @cybersandwich
        57 months ago

        Jack Smiths response should be “are you fucking kidding me???” And that’s it.

      • Goku
        7 months ago

        That being said is that which has been said.

        • @cogman
          27 months ago

          That said, sometimes my stream of consciousness decides to repeat phrases. Having said that, I should really reread what I’m writing. Be that as may, this is pretty fair. All things considered.

    • Optional
      87 months ago

      You should be well past concerned by now