• @[email protected]
    177 months ago

    Not so sure… used to think the kids are alright, but have been seeing some disturbing trends from the tankies, who are just fascists that like red flags and yellow stars.

    They know things aren’t fair and know there’s problems but are prone to the same fascist tricks the MAGAs fell for.

    Hopefully they can pass beyond of this phase, things can go the wrong direction when people organize with violent intentions.

    • PugJesusOP
      227 months ago

      I’m not too worried. Tankies are prominent here, on the fediverse, but despite the mewling of cretins like GenZedong, are not particularly powerful in the latest gen.

      • @TokenBoomer
        -67 months ago

        Then why do you constantly bring them up, even in the most banal conversations?

      • @Klear
        -67 months ago

        Says the guy encouraging fucking political executions.

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          To quote Jesus Nasarethian from his famous speech on the cross, “it’s a fucking meme, chill down man”

          • @Klear
            -17 months ago

            It’s a fucking tankie, fuck him.

    • @rwhitisissle
      157 months ago

      I’ve noticed a lot of them are “puritan pilled.” For example, growing up, if there were sex scenes in a movie you would say “yeah, that makes sense. People like to fuck and fucking is a big part of relationships. Showing people being intimate isn’t really a big deal.” But now, I’ve heard younger people complain about sex scenes in movies. Like, as if it should be reserved exclusively for pornography. Which is a very…reactionary cultural take. It’s sort of ghettoizing intimacy, and it’s very similar to the perspective of prurient Baby Boomers in the 1990s or 00s who wanted every movie that showed a penis to be rated NC-17. I wonder if the Zoomers won’t wind up having a lot more in common with their Baby Boomer grandparents than they realize.

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        I’m of two minds on this. Yeah sure showing people fucking is no problem. But I am also annoyed that in 90s movies always had to be a romantic subplot tacked on. Tombstone would be a perfect movie if it weren’t for the tacked on romantic subplot. Story about revenge, and dudes putting their lives in danger to help a friend, all great stuff. But pause that for 10 minutes so we can put in some romance bullshit because it’s a 90s movie. It’s also the biggest historical inaccuracy of the movie as strange as that sounds.

        it’s very similar to the perspective of prurient Baby Boomers in the 1990s or 00s who wanted every movie that showed a penis to be rated NC-17

        Well the sensible approach would simply be to make NC-17 more mainstream. In fact that’s why they changed it from being called X-rated to NC-17. They tried putting out a popular NC-17 movie, but this is how we got the movie Showgirls and they stopped trying to do that. That’s just typical Hollywood bullshit where they have a good idea and fail at the execution and then abandon the good idea.

        I don’t see a problem with having nudity being given an NC-17, it’s just more information. It’s just that NC-17 is considered a death sentence for a movie’s popularity because of its association with Showgirls. Which is just weird.

        I wonder if the Zoomers won’t wind up having a lot more in common with their Baby Boomer grandparents than they realize.

        I think it’s just that there are always going to be prudish people. Just in the past the prudes gravitated towards religious groups. But since religion has gotten so mixed up with some detestable politics, the prudes have to find some other groups to push their “ewww boobies, that’s not right!” feelings onto. Ideology isn’t really all that different from religion when you think about it, so that’s where the prudes go now.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      I’ve seen a lot of tankie zoomers, but the generation on the whole seems pretty woke to the difference between socialism and authoritarianism

      • @[email protected]
        -107 months ago

        Seeing a lot of “from the river to the sea” from zoomers who don’t realize it’s at best a blood and soil kind of thing that an authoritarian regime is promoting, and at worst a call for ethnic cleansing.

        Zoomers aren’t magical unicorns that are immune to manipulation from fascists when they’re facing economic hardship. We know that social media has a tendency to push people in that direction.

        They are ripe to be manipulated into an antisemitic fascist movement that simply puts “socialist” in the name of their party. Sound familiar?

        We don’t know this will happen, but lets just say that it’s possible that zoomers organizing under the direction of social media narratives could have some very bad results.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          I haven’t seen one damn socialist complaining about the Jews. You know that ethnic/religious groups and governments are different things, yeah? It’s not antisemitic to hate the government of Israel if you hate them because they’re doing war crimes. What the fuck is fascist about wanting a government to stop doing a genocide?

          • PugJesusOP
            -37 months ago

            They are right that a lot of Zoomers use ‘from the river to the sea’ without knowing the context of the phrase.

            I don’t think it’s a symptom of anything deeper, but I do think it’s a matter of concern.

            • @[email protected]
              17 months ago

              Sounds like you don’t know the context of the phrase if you think it’s genocidal. It’s a call for Palestinian freedom in their own homeland. Of course, when Israel uses it, it does tend to mean genocide or ethnic cleansing, but when Palestinians say it, it just means being able to live free in the place they always have, whether it’s a connected two state or one state.

    • @TokenBoomer
      7 months ago

      Not so sure… used to think the kids are alright, but have been seeing some disturbing trends from the liberals, who are just conservatives that like rainbow flags and capitalism.

      They know things aren’t fair and know there’s problems but are prone to the same fascist tricks the MAGAs fell for.

      Hopefully they can pass beyond of this phase, things can go the wrong direction when people organize with violent intentions.

      FTFY 🧐