Netflix’s live-action Avatar has its heart in the right place, but its pacing and uneven performances leave a lot to be desired.

  • El Barto
    1 year ago

    Strawman argument.

    If a kid plays the piano in a shitty way, it’s okay to say “well, he sucks.”

    Edit: Fuck, man. I didn’t say to say it to his face! Let’s just say that it’s okay to think “well, he sucks.” You CANNOT tell me you don’t think this way if the kid says “I’ve been practicing for months” and you see him just smashing the keyboard. Stop being emotional. If the kid asks for my opinion, I’d probably say “good job! Good effort, keep practicing!” But for sure, I’ll be thinking “welp, he sucks.”

    • @jpreston2005
      171 year ago

      actually no. That’s called being an asshole. You can say that he has room to improve, or that he’s still learning, or literally anything but “wow they just suck” like some asshole.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      No strawman. One is positive and one is negative. That’s why they are different lol

      And no it’s not really okay. You should encourage children.

      • El Barto
        1 year ago

        Maybe I misread the original comment. Where is the false equivalency? I don’t see OP saying “good and bad are the same.”

        I of course encourage children. I’m not a psycho. I’m referring to the fact that you can tell when a kid is brilliant, and when a kid simply sucks. But yeah, if you tell the kid “kid, stop, you suck,” then that’s a WTF moment.

      • @I_Has_A_Hat
        1 year ago

        Being uncomfortable with criticism does not mean immunity from criticism. This isn’t a middle school play FFS, it’s a licensed series for something that already has a large, established fan base. Millions of dollars went into this. People’s careers depended on this. Using “they’re just kids!” to deflect legitimate criticism toward their acting abilities is not only nonsensical, it’s cowardly.