• @ilinamorato
    07 months ago


    you’re spending your time and energy lecturing leftists and progressives.

    I’m really not. I type quickly, and I’m here anyway. My time and energy goes into my family and my community, which is why I actually care about what happens in November in more than just the abstract.

    • @go_go_gadget
      07 months ago

      Buddy. You are literally spending time arguing with us. I didn’t say you didn’t spend time with family or community. Just that you are here and putting time and effort arguing with us.

      If you aren’t spending a greater amount of time and energy lecturing moderates guess what? That’s where we get the idea you’re “all-in on Democrats”. Because you spend more time and energy defending them than criticizing them.

      • @ilinamorato
        17 months ago

        Show me where I’ve defended a single democrat.

        I’m not defending anyone. I’m trying to show you that your privileged stance has the potential to lead to some pretty dire outcomes.

        • @go_go_gadget
          7 months ago

          This whole discussion is you defending the state of things as just the way it is. You’re defending moderates for putting us in this position. You call me names but I’ve yet to see you show any kind of animosity towards moderates.

          • @ilinamorato
            7 months ago

            I’m not defending the state of things. I hate the way things are, but this is the world we have to work in.

            Also, am I calling you names? I don’t think I am. And I definitely don’t have any warm feeling toward moderates. They’re just the ones holding the keys.

            • @go_go_gadget
              17 months ago

              You’ve called me petulant and privileged.

              • @ilinamorato
                17 months ago

                Also, being privileged isn’t a bad thing. Everyone has some level of privilege. The problem is when you use it unwisely.

              • @ilinamorato
                7 months ago

                I’m sorry you’ve heard that as an insult. I’m sorry that I unwittingly used those terms in an insulting way. I was describing your actions, not your character.

                Ed: Not “sorry if you,” but “sorry that I”