Surely someone else on the 1000+ crew of Enterprise D was qualified to tend to Broccoli’s psychological needs. Also, shouldn’t his actions have resulted in a court martial or at least a demotion?

  • @Wogi
    187 months ago

    So Barclay was on the Enterprise. Wouldn’t that imply that he was one of the best Starfleet had to offer? Dude was probably a fuckin genius on engineering, but like, he just wanted to do that. They kept trying to get him to do other stuff. And fuck you Wesley dude’s fuckin nervous don’t make fun of him.

    Holodeck stuff was still creepy tho.

    • @ummthatguyOP
      157 months ago

      Talented? Without a doubt. Troubled? Absolutely. Tends to go hand in hand with specialized, technical work. Westley’s his own variation of nutcase, but he’d been used to being rewarded for his accomplishments and is known to belittle others he might deem competitors. There’s a pointed attention to a lack of social awareness of various characters on Trek, but without any of the back end of how to handle those situations in a healthy way.

    • Possibly linux
      7 months ago

      Gordie created a fake version of a real person who was married and then proceed to fall in love with it.

      • @Wogi
        37 months ago

        Right? At some point you have to wonder if culturally, it’s just expected that federation officers with holodeck access will just make versions of real people and not even think twice about it. Which, while creepy to us, of that’s the world Barclay lives in, then it’s slightly less creepy.

        Still creepy though.

    • @CitizenKong
      7 months ago

      Wasn’t he the first person from the Alpha quadrant that managed to regain contact with Voyager? No small feat I imagine.

      EDIT: Ok, i was the second time contact with Voyager happened, but still.

      • He was the one who established communications with Voyager on purpose, as well as maintaining it long-term. That first time it happened was a total fluke of luck and also in the past.