This was a comment I made on a “sink” post the mods deleted, and I think it’s an issue that needs addressing, so I’m pasting it here. The comment I replied to said something like “Superscript and spoilers have always worked fine in Sync”.

Ironically, that isn’t valid Lemmy markdown. Sync should be supporting Lemmy markdown, not Reddit markdown. Here’s what your comment looks like on the website:

This issuperscript and you can also dosubscript.


This is^superscript^ and you can also do~subscript~.

Here’s what it should look like:

Instead, you get this:

Personally I don’t like Lemmy’s syntax for spoilers, but Sync should still support it!

hidden or nsfw stuff

a bunch of spoilers here


::: spoiler hidden or nsfw stuff
a bunch of spoilers here

I’m surprised that actually even works in Sync. It didn’t used to. However, Sync doesn’t show my code block accurately, which is funny as fuck! No app should be editing my code block. Sync is replacing my text with reddit markdown in order for it to display properly. And even when I put that markdown in a code block, it still converts it to reddit style! It also strips out the warning text!

Here is what I actually typed:

And here’s what Sync shows:

What a lazy ass way of doing it. It removes an important feature: the warning text, and won’t even let me show Sync users how to do a proper spoiler!

Oh, WTF. Sync butchered my comment when editing it! I had to fix it back on desktop.

Sync is not fine. It’s full of bugs that the dev is ignoring.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Isn’t it abandoned by now? I’ve switched to Thunder which is awesome and open source and I don’t have to worry about such shenanigans.

    • @[email protected]
      327 months ago

      It’s only been 3 months since his last update, he did the same with his Reddit version, it’ll get no updates for ages then all of a sudden he’ll be back with the 10 new features along with big fixes out of nowhere. Hopefully that’s what’s happening here.

      • @CrayonRosaryOP
        177 months ago

        His last message was 2023-11-03. That’s a few days shy of 4 months.

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          The last update on git was even longer, Sept 14 '23. Pretty sure there have been some major Lemmy updates since then.

      • no banana
        127 months ago

        I’m assuming that’s what’s happening. I get if that is not a value proposition that some people find alluring though.

      • @TrickDacy
        117 months ago

        Sounds frustrating and erratic

          • @TrickDacy
            7 months ago

            Yeah, I haven’t understood the obsession with Sync. I was totally going to use it until I realized I had to change three font settings and few other settings just to get a non-busy layout. Then Boost was released and was similar except I had to change zero settings and it costs much less. No thanks to micro-text and weird random padding that doesn’t look good or help read content.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              A lot people just defend it by saying “I’m supporting the dev”, as if none of the other devs for apps that are consistently updated are worth supporting.

              I use and update my app of choice, and I report bugs as I see them, which gets fixed within hours. How is that not supporting the dev? I’ll take a passion project over paid un-updated apps anyday of the week.

    • @CrayonRosaryOP
      7 months ago

      I’m commenting from Thunder now. It’s significantly improved since I last used it! I’ll have to give it a chance.

      I’m going to mess with some markdown…


      Reddit style^superscript

      Damn, those don’t work at all.

      Ah, a nice, fat horizontal rule. Excellent! EDIT: ironically, after submitting the comment, I couldn’t see it because the comment highlight background is the same color as the horizontal rule. I originally was looking at the preview. This is what I get as soon as I submit:

      Warning! Spoiler!

      Just kidding. There’s no spoiler.

      Nice! It’s a shame there’s no toolbar button to make a spoiler, though.

      ! Reddit style spoiler !<

      Doesnt work, as expected. Sync makes these work, which it shouldn’t

      Heading 1

      Heading 2

      Heading 3

      Heading 4

      Heading 5
      Heading 6

      4 through 6 all look the same. I wish apps would decorate the headings to make them obvious and not just vary the font size.

      Oh shit, it even has comment drafts! I just hit Back by accident and thought I lost everything. Still, a warning or confirmation would be nice. Plus the option to just discard the comment.

      • Item 1
      • Item 2
      • Item 3

      Nice! You can bullet a whole list in one click. Even Sync can’t do that.

      Image upload works fine.




      Yes! With one tap! Another thing Sync sucked at.

      I’ll have to try Thunder out some more. So far it’s pretty good.

    • @CrayonRosaryOP
      57 months ago

      Basically, yes. No word from the Dev in 4 months.

      I tried Thunder several months ago, and it was… not good. I’ll try it again, but I’m not going to get my hopes up.

      Coincidentally, someone in some other post said, “Voyager is better than Sync” so I gave it a real try. It sucks in comparison to Sync. It doesn’t support Lemmy spoilers in any way, nor horizontal rules, and has a dozen other shortcomings. Some major.

      Even with the bugs, Sync is still a great app with a ton of killer features.

      • @aeharding
        127 months ago

        Hi, Voyager dev here. Other than spoilers/horizontal rules, please let me know what shortcomings you encounter. I can only fix what issues I know about. Voyager is open source and bugs are tracked here: cheers!

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          I’m getting a hostname mismatch in hermit when I browse the domain for the webapp. Firefox also fails to load the website due to the HSTS site policy. Did something expire or break?

      • @[email protected]
        97 months ago

        Thunder is unrecognizable compared to when you first tried it. I wasn’t much into it either, but it has become the best client, by far.

        • @gaylord_fartmaster
          47 months ago

          Just switched after years of Sync use and I doubt I’ll be switching back. Thanks for the recommendation!

        • no banana
          37 months ago

          That’s true! I haven’t looked at thunder since sync came out. It’s a lot better.

          It’s a shame that ljdawson has been absent for such a long time, because I do think sync is the best app in general. It is however obvious that other apps keep up better with Lemmy development and other issues.

      • @agent_flounder
        47 months ago

        Basically, yes. No word from the Dev in 4 months.

        That’s a very familiar pattern (I was using sync back on Reddit). It’s been like this for a long while.

      • @xploit
        7 months ago

        I posted that I liked voyager, though it’s missing some features that are in sync (most importantly to me, being able to block community without visiting it) may have been me I guess?

        I don’t care for the formatting stuff, I rarely post, but thunder has the above mentioned so that’s nice. What I instantly hated about thunder after trying it just now was that I can’t scroll back up a feed without it jumping posts in a weird way. Not entirely sure what the problem is but it’s very distracting.

        I’ll try put thunder for a bit, guess I’ll just need to show funny stuff to my wife as soon as I see it rather than trying to scroll back up to it, until I can figure out why it’s doing it or it gets resolved with an update.

        Edit: well that’s bizarre, just opened thunder again after posting this from voyager and I’m not getting the scroll backup issue.

        • @aeharding
          17 months ago

          being able to block community without visiting it

          tap and hold a community or user name to block :)

          • @xploit
            27 months ago

            Nice, thanks. I generally tried to avoid tapping users/community but it’s good to know it had purpose for my use. Appreciate it…guess I’ll donate some more of my “imaginary” Google wallet rewards fund whatever the fuck it’s called that I can’t use for anything but apps anyways 🤣