• @Bytemeister
      31 year ago

      I’d go with the wind, noise, speed, and imminent possiblity of death.

      • @SchmidtGenetics
        1 year ago

        wind, noise, speed.

        So going for a drive wouldn’t be peaceful either…?

        imminent possiblity of death.

        So… driving again? Or riding a motor bike? Not peaceful…? Strange perspective to have…

        Strange example to try and use lol.

        • @Bytemeister
          21 year ago

          Go ahead, take a nice bath, read a book, or do some origami while skydiving, or driving at 200mph with the top down.

          Strange example to try and use lol.

          You know what is peaceful? Take a hike.

          • @SchmidtGenetics
            -11 year ago

            Getting chased by bears is peaceful…? Getting attacked by wasps is peaceful…?

            Anything can be twisted one way or the other dude lol.

            • @Bytemeister
              21 year ago

              You’re making petty, empty, semantic “arguments” and you know it.

              Also, whoosh.

              • @SchmidtGenetics
                1 year ago

                You started…

                And I knew that, lmfao hence why I gave you the same stupid bull shit.

                This is what my argument is.

                not involving war or violence.

                “there were no violent incidents reported and it was a peaceful protest”

                You can’t be non-violent without also being peaceful…

                So yeah skydiving is actually peaceful by definition, no matter which pedantic argument EITHER of us use.

                • @Bytemeister
                  01 year ago

                  Ah, so if someone catches a charge for disturbing the peace, then they must have been violent?

                  So yeah skydiving is actually peaceful by definition, no matter which pedantic argument EITHER of us use.

                  1st definition of peaceful. adjective

                  free from disturbance; tranquil.
                  "everything was so quiet and peaceful in the early morning"
                  synonyms: tranquil, calm, restful, pleasant, quiet, still, relaxing, soothing, sleepy, silent, soundless, hushed, noiseless, undisturbed, untroubled, private, secluded, solitary, isolated, serene, composed, placid, at peace, at rest, at ease, in repose, reposeful, unworried, unruffled, anxiety-free, content, blissful, secure

                  You are factually wrong on this statement.

                  • @SchmidtGenetics
                    1 year ago

                    The term is “causing a disturbance” they avoid that term for a very good reason.

                    You understand a word can mean multiple things… yeah…?

                    There is no first definition, just multiple, they aren’t ranked, other dictionaries have the one I put first. So what point do you think that was making?