Accelerometers record subtle changes in movement and sleep patterns, and this information could anticipate the disease long before it becomes evident.

  • @danhasnolife
    121 year ago

    This is a tough one. Is it better to know about an incurable disease seven years later if you can’t prevent the progression of symptoms? Amazing study though.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Yeah, especially when considering that placebo and (in this case) nocebo effects are a real thing.

      What do people think would happen when being told they will be very likely diagnosed with an incurable disease in 5 years from now? Do they think their levels of stress, anxiety, negative thinking etc. will stay as if they’d never heard of that information? No, likely not. Therefore their health will potentially be affected negatively just by knowing of that information.

      But the important part here is the “incurable”! Reason being that if there’s any chance one can prolong good health for longer by acting in a preventive, health supporting way couple years sooner, then yes, it likely would be better to know earlier and change something about it even if it’s likely to affect one at some point.

      And what makes it even trickier is that nobody really knows what future medical advances will be like. What’s called inevitable and incurable now, might, with early treatment, actually no longer be in the not too distant future.

    • partial_accumen
      31 year ago

      This is a tough one. Is it better to know about an incurable disease seven years later if you can’t prevent the progression of symptoms?

      Its not tough for me at all. I’d want to know.

      We’re all going to die of something and there’s nothing we can do about that fact. However, if you can give me a really good indication how many years I have of useful life left, I’m going to live it dammit! It also means you don’t have to plan for a long retirement and can spend the money you saved on experiences you want to setting up your family for the best chance of success after your passing.

      There’s no scenario I’d not want to know.